"When you complain, you make yourself the victim. Leave the situation, change the situation, or accept it. All else is madness." - Eckhart Tolle
Something I have unfortunately had to recently learn is that how someone treats you, is how they feel about you. Period. There are no 'ifs' 'ands' or 'butts'. There are not enough excuses in the world to truly change someone's mind or to fix how you feel. Someone is always going to be behind you holding a knife to your back.
No matter how much time you spend trying to show someone that you care unless they feel the same, you are going to get hurt. You can jump moons for people and they will allow you. For them, it feels good to see you go leaps and bounds for them, but they cannot return it.
And there really is nothing you can do about that.
Being the girl with a big heart comes with its' troubles. You give all you have to relationships and friendships. You trust too quickly and love too hard. Although you always seem like the girl who is happy and the one who everyone can confide in, you get the short end of the stick when it comes to finding someone to be the keeper of your secrets. Its hard to find someone to hold your hand, when everyone is worried about what they can benefit from your presence.
But there are two ways to react when you find yourself in the situation where a guy used your insecurities to his benefit, or when a 'friend' betrays your trust and 100% breaks girl code.
Do not let others view you as the victim. You have lost nothing. A guy who treated you like crap? Lost nothing. A girl who betrayed your friendship? Lost nothing. Don't ignore the pain, because it's hurts. Have your heartbreak. Cry until your eyes are dry, yell until your face turns red. Then pick yourself up and do not allow people to pity you.
Do not let the way people view you define you. You are strong, and worthy, and independent. You deserve to love wildly, even if you sometimes get burnt. If you don't, if you are constantly stuck behind a wall you will never grow. You can get back up if you aren't pushed down.
So let yourself hurt, and then be the victor. Don't stay down forever.