It seems no issue can escape the heated land of debate. The rise in prevalence of social media has fueled individuals right to express their opinions. Tweets, statuses and pictures beg people to express themselves. Some opinions are offensive, and most are different. We tread the line, always, attempting to say what we believe without inciting the anger of our peers.
At what point is this too much? We strive for political correctness, for inclusiveness and respect, but does this leave any room for debate at all?
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I am a huge proponent for civil disagreement. There is a time and place for debate, and questioning beliefs is healthy. If everyone believed a single ideology without question, we would exist in a world fit for fiction. Through challenging beliefs, we are able to improve and progress upon our society. Differing opinions are essentially the core of our modern systems, and can be a truly positive thing if handled properly.
There is a limit to this, however. Despite some opinions, I believe that there is such a thing as being too offensive - being too provocative that opinions are sometimes better kept to the holder. This has little to do with the actual content of the opinion and more so with the person expressing it.
Offensive speak occurs when the opinion holder is closed off entirely from hearing and experiencing the beliefs of others. Offensive people think in absolutes: either you are with me or against me, you are all wrong or all right. This isn't to say that people confident in their beliefs are inherently offensive. I believe fully in God, in certain human rights, in my political beliefs and many more things. But challenge me to a debate and I will strive to be open and hear what you have to say, knowing that you could teach me something that I may have never considered.
Saying "All women are less than men" or "Anyone voting for (insert political candidate) is an idiot" is not helpful. Nothing will be gained from that. Those are absolute statements and leave very little room for hearing anyone else's opinion. Saying "I was raised in a household where the woman's role was in the home, and that is what I am comfortable with" or "I disagree withe (insert political candidate) because of these reasons" can lead to civil debate. Your mind may not be changed, but at least you are open to listening. In turn, people will listen to you.
Through civil disagreement and helpful debate things are improved. Whether that improvement is the actual bettering of society, or simply broadening the perspective of someone's mind, something positive is occurring. Offensive speak is toxic and destructive. You may not be seeking a change of heart or new information, but I encourage you to change the way you express and hear opinions. It can be rewarding and may strengthen your beliefs. Civil disagreement is the backbone of improvement and will help bridge the ever widening gap of people's beliefs.