1. "That's like the crazy strict church, right?"
Actual conversation I had with a girl in high school. No we are not crazy strict, that's like super old Church of Christ. There are some super strict churches out there today, but not many and they for sure aren't growing.
2. "I heard y'all can't wear shorts."
To class people, we can't wear shorts to class, and that really depends on where you attend college. I voluntarily attended Harding knowing full well we couldn't wear shorts to class. I'm fine with that most of the time, when it's not over 100 degrees outside. Yes, "modest is hottest" has been pounded in my head since the day I was born, but I still wear Nike shorts everywhere in the summer just like any other girl would.
3. We are all church camp counselors.
This one is kind of true, I am a camp counselor and it's the most wonderful thing. There are constant booths and announcements in chapel about different summer camps, because there are so many of us. Most likely, when you tell someone about your camp, their cousin or some family member went there, it happens over and over.
4. If we aren't a camp counselor, we are on a summer mission trip.
Summer missions are wonderful as well, I have never been on one, though I would love to one summer before I graduate. I know plenty of people who go on summer missions, and they get to serve in a way that is truly remarkable. They always love it and want to go back after they come home.
5. We get married super young.
This is pretty true for Harding students, a lot of people get married pretty young. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with that. You find your Godly soulmate and you sit on a swing a few times and, boom, there's a ring. Plenty of people don't marry during college or right out of college, and there's nothing wrong with that either, especially since that will probably be me. It's fine though.
6. No instruments...
True, it's not because we hate instruments, I know plenty of people who were in band in high school. Church of Christ colleges have a band for crying out loud, we just don't want them in church. I think it's because of tradition, really, that we don't have instruments. I've grown to love the a capella singing, and I miss it when I visit other churches. There are even some Church of Christ churches that are getting instrumental services for those who want instruments in worship, which is great.
7. No dancing
Well, this is probably a good thing. A lot of Church of Christ kids don't have a whole lot of rhythm anyways--ask the kid that always claps off beat in church. We can't dance at our weddings if we have the reception in a Church of Christ church, but anywhere else it's fine. It's really up to how you have been raised and the opinion of your parents. My mom loves dancing, so I grew up in a house with a lot of music and dancing. Other Church of Christ kids might say something different.
8. No drinking
I understand this one, considering most of us in college are underage. I know people who have never had a sip of alcohol in their life, and I know people who have a glass of wine with their dinner every night. Just like dancing, drinking depends on your upbringing. Most people I know drink in moderation, and if they don't drink, they normally have a reason not to.
9. Everyone studies abroad in college.
Well I for sure would study abroad if I had the money to do so. It is an amazing experience. All of the social media posts of my friends in foreign countries are awesome and they get memories that will last a lifetime and stories to tell for years to come. I have talked to plenty of people who studied abroad during college and they are stong advocates for it. A lot of Church of Christ kids study abroad, some don't, but then again a lot of other people study abroad as well.
10. We are all Bible or missions majors.
Not true; there are a lot more Bible majors at private schools than at public universities, but we have a business school and a nursing school just like any other college. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a Bible or missions major--it's just not for some people, one of those people being me. Some people just feel the Lord calling them to be a preacher, or a missionary, and I think that is awesome, but not every Church of Christ college student is a Bible or missions major.
11. We all have great voices.
I can see where people get this; we can harmonize like no other. Well, we don't have instruments, so we make up for it with our voices and I love it. Some people are musically inclined and it's beautiful to the ears. Me, on the other hand, not so much. I can carry a tune and tap to the beat of the song, and that's about it. If I get lucky enough to sit next to someone who can harmonize, I can too. Of all the different churches I have visited, the singing in Church of Christ churches is by far the best sounding, in my opinion.
12. We love the Lord.
I will gladly accept this stereotype any day, because isn't this what all Christians should be like? I love the Lord and everyone else is either learning to love the Lord again or for the first time, or so deeply in love with the Lord that it directs everything in their lives. This is the only stereotype that should matter, it's the only thing that matters to Him.