There are hundreds of camps all around this country all aiming for the same goal: for God to impact the lives of those who attend.
Maybe it happens during a service when the speaker is getting so excited about the Word, or when the worship band plays a certain song just one more time. Maybe it happens at the end of personal prayer, or at the beginning of a small group session. Or maybe, just maybe, it happens when you least expect it.
Because that's what happened for me.
For those of you who are wondering, here's a little backstory of my walk with Jesus. I grew up in a small church for my whole life and began attending the church I call my home when I was a junior in high school. I had claimed to be a Christian my whole life, but one Wednesday night when I was 16 it all came together that the hole that I thought was filled wasn't as solid as I thought it was. From then on, I was on fire. From there I have had my trials and my tribulations. But thankfully, I found my niche in the high school youth group at my church as a sponsor. Call me the high school hang on if you will, but my whole heart is invested in those kids who walk through those doors every Wednesday night.
Once the summertime came, I knew there was one week that would impact that youth group more than ever before:
Church camp.
I had been attending church camps since I was young, but this would only be my fourth year attending camp with my church. I had gone twice as a student, and this would be the second year that I was able to go as a leader of the youth group. Before camp, I had full intentions of what the week had in store and began praying months in advance for God to come and completely change the lives of the students that we brought. And he did. We had numerous students give their life to Christ and had 16 students get baptized! God had moved so much and changed lives.
Little did I know was that God had plans to change my life too.
As a leader, I was fortunate enough to lead a small group of nine young girls who were getting ready to embark on their freshman year of high school in the fall. I had outlines ready of possible topics that we could discuss and had brushed up on some scripture to share. I felt equipped to lead a whole weeks worth of small group sessions and began the first meeting with confidence. However, I obviously made assumptions and my 5-day lesson plan was discussed in an hour and a half.
Then God stepped in.
That night as I lay in our cabin listening to middle school girls "whisper," I began to think and silently talk to God. And, just like He can do, I was lead to a scripture in 1 Timothy that talks about how we should not let anyone look down on us because we are young, but because we can be an example to those around us.
And just like that, a light bulb moment occurred.
That next afternoon, throwing all my plans to the wind, I asked the girls what they wanted to talk about. And before my eyes, 1 Timothy 4:12 unfolded. I was engulfed in conversation with nine young girls wanting answers to some things even church elders are afraid to ask.
Now finally, for how all this pertains to me and how my life was changed.
Removing myself from this situation and looking from the outside in, I was able to see that I am just like those young girls. I am 20 years old, and trying to grow up faster than I should. I attend college and am surrounded by hundreds of people, yet I hesitate about sharing the Gospel to others. Why?
Because I've always thought I was too naive or afraid of the questions I would be asked.
Those five days spent in the mountains at a church camp three hours away from home made me realize that I am just as able as anyone to share the love of Christ. I am confident enough to know that God is a good good God who is there with me whether I'm young or old. He showed me that I was falling behind because of my insecurities and that with those aside, I was able to really endure everything He had in store for me. And even though camp is ministered toward younger students, God made sure to include me in there that week.
Wow, how awesome is it to have your whole mindset shifted, especially when you least expect it?
So, for those of you who have still stuck around to read all my rambling about how GREAT GOD IS, I challenge you to do this. In every situation you may be placed in, always go into it with an open heart and mind. Allow God to work through that moment and change your life. And also, be confident in sharing the Word of God, no matter what your age may be. Ask those questions and be hungry for the answers, for this is how we grow as followers of God.
It was more than church camp. It was more than a week of growing closer as a youth group. It was more than a week of super delicious food. It was a week away from distractions, surrounded by the Word, worship, and the daily tugging on my heart from the Holy Spirit. It was a week that allowed me to grow. It was a week that allowed me to develop.
It was a week that changed my life.
"The atmosphere is changing now for the Spirit of the Lord is here. The evidence is all around that the Spirit of the Lord is here."