Power Rankings: The 17 Best Moments From Chuck Bass' Closet
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Power Rankings: The 17 Best Moments From Chuck Bass' Closet

There is simply no other reason why he looked so good... except for the fact he's Chuck Bass.

Power Rankings: The 17 Best Moments From Chuck Bass' Closet

He had it all: the money, the girl, the property, the haters.

Constantly the star of the show on gossipgirl.com, he rode his scandals out with pride. It's crazy to think that at the beginning of 'Gossip Girl' we hated Chuck. He was the villain and we cringed every time he came on the screen. I'm not sure when we started loving him and rooting for him but it happened fast. Was it his charm? Or his obvious love for Blair? It could be that we loved fantasizing about his glamorous hotel life.

There's just something about him that made him the "perfect man" to so many girls. He had a confidence about him, a quality gave him the ability to strut around the streets of the Upper East Side in the best outfits.

Ranking these expensive ensembles from the most classic Chuck look to his most outrageous suit— here's the ultimate breakdown of the one and only Chuck Bass' closet:


Coming in at 17, we have the simple look of his school uniform. Every student at St. Jude's was required to wear the jacket and striped tie. Only Chuck can pop his collar to embody the full villain he was in the first season.


Next is the trench coat, sophisticated as hell. It really makes him look like the classy businessman his father never thought he could be.


Back in his early days, you couldn't see Chuck without his signature scarf. And as ugly as it is, believe me it gets a lot weirder from here.


Unless you weigh over 200 pounds, no one else wore suspenders, let alone suspenders as flashy as those. He transforms into an attractive man out of a '20s movie.


His pants match his shirt and coat. His scarf matches the black accent on his coat. His sunglasses matches his scotch. 10/10.


If this was six months ago, we'd have a serious problem with that jacket but now that velvet is back in, I guarantee a frat boy will be sporting one of these at the next formal.


This is where Chuck's fashion sense should start to get called into question. Is not surrounded by stylish girls all day? It's a rare sighting when he's not in a suit and bow tie, but it's an even rarer sighting when he's dressed as Barney the dinosaur.


It looks like he just fought the revolutionary war in that coat.


If we can, for one second, ignore Nate's body to look at the perfectly coordinated, clashing patterns. He's breaking every fashion rule to date. So why does he look almost normal in it?


A man who loves his patterns, he definitely doesn't shy away from them... ever.


Forget everything you saw in these past 10 (give or take a few) pictures about Chuck having style because there are two whales on his cardigan and he definitely didn't get that from Vineyard Vines.


My heart is melting just as much as everyone else's as they stare lovingly into each other's eyes. (Don't worry– that'll be us one day). But we really can't ignore the sparkles on his suit that are glistening in the light. Who let him buy that?


His shorts are plaid, his shirt is striped and there is a fedora on his head. Does being a millionaire also make him blind?


I don't know what to say about this one... He's Chuck Bass?


Our list is shortly coming to a close, so we couldn't forget his bright red jumpsuit. He looks like an attractive firetruck.


A man is paisley is a man with confidence. Find me another guy who will proudly sport a purple silk robe and I will give you my first born child. Chuck is special and his closet never stops reflecting that.

Drumroll please... It's the moment we've all been waiting for...


The most iconic outfit Chuck has worn to date— his "playing basketball with the boys" costume. Clad in crowns, because he won't let anyone forget he's basically royal as he's sweating.

Whether he's wearing a tuxedo on casual Friday or a silk robe around the Empire Hotel, he will never not look good.

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