Since moving to school and becoming a "full-fledged adult"; I have been given the opportunity to make my own decisions and manage my own time. Let's just say I'm still getting the hang of it. Anyone who knows me can tell you I am not a morning person so here is the struggle of night owls in college.
You stay up as late as your body will let you.
Before you know it you have spent hours on your phone, watching TV or even finishing up homework/studying.
You set your MULTIPLE alarms knowing tomorrow morning will be the death of you.
When you have an 8 am you calculate how long you could sleep before knowing you're going to bed late. Then you proceed to set several alarms knowing the first won't do the trick.
Then you FINALLY sleep.
The best feeling in the world. Period.
The dreaded first alarm goes off.
At this point you hear a faint noise in the background, but you're in denial so you just try to ignore the satanic noise.
Warning: The Anger Begins
The denial is over and the rage begins. You literally just closed your eyes and now you have to get up.
Nope, not yet..
Oh Shoot!!!
Run Forrest Run!
Honestly if you make it to class man oh man kudos to you.
In the nick of time..
You won today (barely).... so until next time try to stay awake!