The Chronicles Of A Chicago Cubs Fan | The Odyssey Online
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The Chronicles Of A Chicago Cubs Fan

The emotional stages our fans go through.

The Chronicles Of A Chicago Cubs Fan
Troy Carlson

Baseball season has kicked off to a great start with the Chicago Cubs hot on and off the field. The Chicago Cubs truly have the best fans ever. However, fans are still skeptical to the season for they understand the emotional rollercoaster of being a Chicago Cubs fan. Dealing with being a diehard Cubs fan is like dealing with the stages of grief. Here are the emotional stages of a Cubs fan:

Stage 1: Excitement

Nothing is more exciting to a Chicago Cubs fan than the start of baseball season and the chance that the Cubs may do well this year. After the last season, Cubs fans are out of their seat and ready to indulge in the 2016 season.

Stage 2: Doubt

Like any other year, Chicago Cubs fans will be doubtful. The Cubs have not won a World Series game since 1908, let alone played in a World Series game since 1945. That leaves plenty of room for doubt, and we accept it as a normal way of life.

Stage 3: Anxiety

I cannot tell you how many times I have bitten my nails or over-eaten due to the Chicago Cubs. The anxiety caused by watching a Cubs game is through the roof. If you haven’t experienced being down in the top of the ninth with Rondon pitching, you haven’t experienced the true anxiety of a Cubs fan.

Stage 4: Frustration

“Can’t they just win a game already?” It is only normal for a Cubs fan to get frustrated with the “lovable losers.” But, hey! This year could be a turning point in Chicago Cubs history.

Stage 5: Disappointment

Along with frustration, many Cubbies fans are disappointed as a result of the Chicago Cubs instability to maintain winning streaks. After watching nine long dreadful innings, it’s acceptable to be slightly disappointed in our boys. However, it isn't something a little Old Style can't fix.

Stage 6: Hope

Despite the negativity, Chicago Cubs fans bring hope. How so? I have never met a sports fan as dedicated as a Chicago Cubs fan. It helps that our Cubs are dedicated to the sport and are ready to carry us through October. Win or lose, the Cubs fans always seem to carry out hope for the next game or in our case, the next season. “There’s always next year!”

Stage 7: Acceptance

Cubs fans have seen it all except a World Series championship. Though it would be the greatest event in a lifetime to witness, fans will always be Chicago Cubs fans even if they never see a World Series. Cubs fans have accepted the fact that we are the Chicago Cubs and that, win or lose, they are the best.

We may feel all the emotions listed above, but there is one thing a true Chicago Cubs fan never feels and that is shame. When fans decide to become Cubs fans, they take an unspoken vow to forever love the Chicago Cubs. Chicago fans stay dedicated and hold their heads up high despite negative outcomes. Win or lose, I am a true Cubs fan. Go Cubs Go! #weAREgood

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