Whenever I have to do an important task, I question everything about my abilities and potential. I am so easily able to convince myself that I am not smart or would never get chosen for the positions that I want. I get anxious and nervous just as I apply for said position.
It's like the minute I start doing something for myself that will benefit my education and career, my brain is like, "You'll never get it, you're not smart enough." This leads to procrastination and more anxiety. These two mix together to make me do my work with half the effort I should have put in. I set myself up for failure from the start.
If you do what I am doing, you are not alone. We both have low self-confidence and faith in ourselves and our abilities. We need to think we can do it so that we give 100% and achieve our goals.
I just got to my college campus a few days ago and as of today, I made a list of things I need to get done. I am forcing myself to be aware of when I procrastinate and be in tune with my feelings as I take on a new task. As soon as I started looking up possible openings for a position I want, I felt sick inside, all my insecurities flooded my head, and I stopped working and went on my phone. I realized what I was doing and allowed myself a few minutes away from the task before moving onto a different task.
This is still procrastination because I haven't completed the application yet. However, this form of procrastination made me complete a couple of different tasks. Now, I am going to make my brain focus on the application and do my best to push the negative thoughts away.
This technique is what I think will really help me get my work done. When I don't want to do one thing, I'll allow myself to procrastinate by working on something else I need to get done. I hope you guys find this technique to be somewhat helpful. But remember to go back to the original task when your mind is clear of the negativity that is keeping you from doing it.