It's the day before a big project is due, and again you find yourself checking your Facebook notifications ONE MORE TIME when, suddenly, 10 p.m. rolls around. You look at the clock and feel anxiety swell in your throat, because you have absolutely NO work to show for all the time you just wasted.
It's the same story time and time again- college students across the globe know the eternal battle with procrastination all too well. It keeps us up a little too late at night. It ruins fun evening out with friends and brief moments of relaxation, because the looming pressure of responsibility is fighting any thoughts of tranquility. Procrastination is an ugly monster that sits precariously on the backs of students, waiting to pounce the very moment they happen to feel productive.
It has been my realization of late that procrastination can be defined as "the fear of failure." How is this, you ask?
When we procrastinate, we channel our dread of the inevitable into an avoidance of our problems. This produces less than desirable outcomes and, truthfully, crappy projects. Our fear of putting in too little effort and making something bad makes us do... just that.
So, fellow procrastinators- why not throw caution to the wind, for once? When you are submitting an application, the worst someone can say is no. The worst a teacher can do is critique your work and help you improve for the future.
Failures are the stepping stones to success. Without them, we would not be able to celebrate the victories we do achieve.
So stop being afraid of not being good enough. Do things ahead of time and leave the outcome up to fate. If, in some instances, the result is not what you wanted, this does not devalue you. It only means there are so many more successes coming, if only you persevere.
Strive for excellence. Embrace failure. Give 110%. But most of all, be proud of what you create. Be a doer, not a procrastinator!