Part of what makes the holiday season so magical for so many people is the consistency of their family/ friend traditions. No matter what else has happened or is happening during the crazy, hectic year, you know you can always count on your traditions to keep you grounded. It makes coming home for the holidays, especially from far away, that much more special. I know no matter how old I get, or how far away I go, I always have these traditions to look forward to. I hope to pass down some of these traditions to my kids in the future, but for now, I'll just focus on enjoying them with my family.
1. Reindeer FoodÂ
Recipe: Oats and sprinkles.
What to do with it: Throw it on the roof so the reindeer know what house to go.
2. "Happy Birthday Jesus"Â
Every Christmas morning, even when my brother and I were just wee babies, my parents would have me and brother sing Happy Birthday to Jesus before we could open any presents.
3. The Polar Express (or any Christmas movie)Â
Every year, on the night we decorate the tree, my family and I sleep in the living room and watch the Polar Express.
4. Drive Around Light ShowÂ
My family go to Starbucks, grab peppermint mochas/ or peppermint hot chocolate and drive around the neighborhoods around our town while listening tho Christmas music to look at the christmas lights.
5. Bell Peppers for the ReindeerÂ
Santa gets all the clout, all the milk and cookies. What about all the poor reindeer that pull the sleigh all night? My family leaves out bell peppers and carrots for the reindeer!
6. Christmas Pajamas
Every year my mom makes me and my cousins matching pajamas. She has since we were born and has every year since. Of course there's usually the obligatory picture.
7. Christmas CookiesÂ
It is so fun to spend an afternoon making and decorating cookies and the best part was definitely bringing cookies over to our neighbors and getting cookies from our neighbors. Times are changing but I LOVE that people in our neighborhood still do this.
8. Chicken Soup for the Soul- Christmas StoriesÂ
This book has 25 stories for the 35 days leading up to Christmas. Each story is true and helps remind me about the meaning of Christmas- family, being neighborly, giving back, etc. They are so fun to read every night and help keep me grounded to the true meaning of Christmas during the craziness of the holiday season.