So we’ve moved out of pumpkin spice mode and now we’re entering into the land of peppermint mocha’s… in other words, it’s Christmas time.
The holiday’s offer up time with good friends and family, maybe even significant others and this time needs to be filled with festive fun to get everyone into the holiday spirit. Because we don’t need anyone muttering Bah Humbug under their breath, I’ve compiled a short list full of ideas for you to give a glance at, in hopes that you might choose one to go off of to make some plans for this Holiday season!
To Begin, The Obvious… Ice-Skating – So maybe you’re a little timid, the idea sounds nice but you’re not entirely convinced?
I say go for it. If you fall, it’ll be cute and I’m sure someone will be there to laugh adoringly with you. Not at you. With you. Because you’ll be laughing at yourself too. And hey getting back up after you fall down – that’s an important life lesson, so this trip will be an experience to learn from. Then, of course, snap a pic, save it for the memories.
The Ultimate Hot Chocolate – Okay so cocoa is a classic, but why not create your own original?
Create your own enticing flavors, get flavored syrups, sprinkles, whipped cream, little chocolate chips, heck throw a cookie on top, better yet make a gingerbread man Jacuzzi! (joking) You could even turn it into a competition and have someone be the judge. Get all the supplies, an open space, some cute mugs, and go at it! And if you’re not the hands-on type, go coffee shop hopping and sample their versions of Hot Cocoa! Scout out the very best.
Build a Fort – You might think I’m crazy but just trust me on this one.
This will be fun especially if you have lil' kiddos around, or maybe if you just really miss being one. Get some chairs for the structure, some sheer blankets, or maybe a thin fabric for the roof, and then grab some spare Christmas lights and line the whole top of the fort with them. Fill it with some cozy blankets and some pillows, and when you look up it’ll be like viewing the northern lights in your very own living room. And if you want the more PG-13 version, you could always grab a laptop, and go for the classic Netflix and Chill under the assortment of colored lights. Ehem, Christmas movies only of course. Have fun kids.
Sled Riding – This one’s also for the young at heart.
I promise you, you can find sleds that are only five to ten dollars that will do the trick just fine if you don’t have any laying around. Go grab two, wrap one up and surprise someone for a spontaneous date (because truth is, if you let them know ahead of time for this one they might be a bit apprehensive.) You’ll share some laughs, maybe even a race or two down the biggest hill you can find, and then once you’ve had enough, you can go warm up together under a fuzzy blanket in front of a fire with those delicious hot cocoa recipes you had prepared form earlier. Romance at its finest. So get your toboggans out and go!
Thrifting– It is the season of giving, but why not do a little exchange?
Donate some items you don’t pay attention to much anymore, whether they’re clothes or toys or gadgets, to a local Goodwill. Then go at it, and make use of what’s there. Maybe you can find some fun Christmas apparel to wear to your next party or pick out a lovely outfit for whichever friend you chose to tag along. I’m sure you’ll find some hidden gems that you’ll want to add to your wish list and you’ll actually be able to purchase them.
Make Music – This is a dream of mine, but it’s yet to be a success.
Get everyone together, get some instruments, no matter what they are (maybe from a local thrift shop, hmmmm I wonder who came up with that idea?) and sing some holiday tunes. You can put your own twist on them. By no means do you need to sound perfect, just have fun with it. Music is magical, and it’ll bring everyone together.
A Light Show – but for free!
Just hop into the comfort of your very own car and drive around through some neighborhoods nearby to admire the Christmas displays put on by each home. It’s so much more sentimental when you see the ones that each family took the time to decorate. But once you get caught up in all the awe and beauty, try not to venture too far or you might get lost. Then you’ll really have quite the Christmas story to share.
We all know that time flies when you’re having fun. So choose your time wisely. Be grateful for those who surround you, and don’t waste even a minute of their company.
Enjoy your breaks, may they be lasting.
Oh wait! And before you go,
Have a Very Merry Christmas.