October is the best month, it the time to dress up and get candy with our friends, have crazy costume parties and did I mention candy? But the second the clock strikes midnight and it turns November 1st, people go crazy with Christmas and it honestly disgusts me.
Do you not realize that there is a very important and food-filled holiday in-between? Personally, I think it’s a little better than Christmas. You get basically a whole week off thanks to this holiday and I know everyone appreciates the break from classes. Imagine not having Thanksgiving break and having to wait until Christmas break to catch a breather from school.
Another reason Thanksgiving is so great is that you are given one whole day to just stuff your face with as much food as possible AND you can nap after with no one to judge you. How is this so overlooked?! How is this disregarded for Christmas? We have an entire month to be pumped about Christmas not two months.
Everyone that is Christmas obsessed the second Halloween is over needs to just chill out and have some turkey. Thanksgiving is a where you can spend time with your family and watch football or catch up by watching family movies. It the time to relax and see extended family like aunts and cousins.
Retailers are the reason Thanksgiving is overlooked because shipment for Christmas comes in early. Starting at the beginning of November, they play Christmas music (usually the same 12 songs) over and over to the point that I and probably many other retail workers, get sick and tired of it. By the time Christmas rolls around we just want the music to stop and I personally just want the whole holiday to end.
Halloween has it's own month with October and Christmas has it's own month with December. So why can’t we let Thanksgiving have its own month with November? You don’t skip Valentine’s day just to get to St. Patricks’ day or even skip Fourth of July or Mother’s day or Father’s day. This is the only holiday that is always overlooked and it should stop. Let November be for Thanksgiving and then go crazy decking the halls the second December 1st hits. I promise you will enjoy the holidays better.