8 Christmas Pinterest Recipes To Try That Even The Grinch Can’t Turn Down For A Bite | The Odyssey Online
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8 Christmas Pinterest Recipes To Try That Even The Grinch Can’t Turn Down For A Bite

It's the holiday season, and with the season reaching peak, it is time to come up with wonderful wintry treats the whole family can enjoy.

christmas pinterest recipes

Whether you are a beginner or could qualify to be on "Top Chef" you can more than certainly get these recipes down. I don't see why you cannot try at least one Christmas Pinterest recipe to bring excitement to your holiday hangouts!

Santa Crunch Christmas Popcorn

This is a nice after dinner treat recipe for when you want to cuddle with your S.O. or your family and watch one of those wonderful Hallmark Christmas movies!

Pine Cone Cheese Ball

It looks kind of weird but pretty cool at the same time! If you're almond nut lover like me, then you would definitely enjoy this cream filled cheese ball!. It can be used as table decor at the table to give that woodsy finishing look or it can be devoured with some crackers—totally up to you!

Layered Christmas Jello Cups

When I saw this, the college brain in me instantly thought of Christmas Jello Shots *laughs out loud* but it is not for everyone. So these sweet treats are totally easy to make and your little ones can help out too! All you need is a few ingredients and a working fridge.

Christmas Tree Spinach Breadsticks

Not ever holiday recipe has to be full of sugar. Christmas Tree Spinach Breadsticks are a nice appetizer to have at a holiday party, along with some BBQ meatballs (y'all know what I am talking about). They are light, fluffy, crispy and will just melt in your mouth. If you do not like spinach, I can imagine that the filling can be holding something else!

Hot Chocolate Cookie Cups

These are by far, the CUTEST holiday treat I have seen. It can be used as a holiday tradition AND I bet it goes great with actual hot chocolate!

Chocolate Gingerbread Truffles

Every holiday party has to have a truffle. So why not mix together gingerbread and chocolate?

Peppermint Patties

A nice fresh peppermint patty can really set the mood of a cold winter night. They can be wrapped up and given as little gifts in goodie bags or even in a festive mini bucket!

Festive Christmas Chex Mix

Chex Mix comes in all different shapes and tastes, so why not make a Christmas one? Add your own candies, flavors and I am sure you will look at Chex a lot differently.

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