Everyone knows that Christmas is one of the greatest holidays for a multitude of reasons. There's the smell of fresh cookies, the snow (well, maybe that's a good thing), being together with your family, and everything else wonderful about the holidays.
What a lot of people fail to realize though is that Christmas movies are among the best in the realm of holiday-themed film literature. Not only do they capture the spirit of Christmas, these movies are memories and feelings, everything we've ever felt as a child about Christmas rolled up and shoved in a script to be viewed for our pleasure.
With that, let me give you a list of the most mandatory of Christmas Movie must-sees this holiday season.
1. Elf
Of all the modern Christmas movies, Elf has snuck its way into everyone's heart. Will Ferrell brings the true spirit of Christmas directly to the screen. You just can't get better than a 30-something-year-old man wear tights who thinks he's an elf, am I right?
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2. Home Alone
There's nothing quite like watching little Kevin give some burglars hell while he's been forgotten at home. There's definitely the comedic aspect, but when it comes down to it, you see the importance of family and togetherness during the holidays really shine through in this film.
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3. The Polar ExpressThis movie is so underappreciated, it makes me sad year after year. This epic story of a boy finding his belief in Santa Claus and the magic of Christmas is beautiful. It deserves to be watched again and again.
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4. The National Lampoons ChristmasLet me tell you a thing or two, every time I see this movie or one like it, I am just amazed at what a mess everything is from scene one. This family runs into trouble at literally every turn. When something goes right, something worse goes wrong. They're living in a crazy cosmic cycle. Yet! Despite this, the show goes on and Clark manages to pull it all together so his family can have a good Christmas together. Now that's the Christmas spirit.
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5. The Santa ClauseIf you're looking for a funny, heart-warming, perfect Christmas movie, this is one you have to see. Actually, watch all three of them! Watching "Scott Calvin" transform throughout these films is amazing, not to mention the depth which Santa is explained and shown. We see more of the magical North Pole in this movie than in many others and it really adds to the magic.
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6. The Grinch Who Stole ChristmasThis one, while self-explanatory, is still one of the most amazing Christmas movies ever made and everyone should watch it at least once every December. As a college student, I find that every year I grow older, I relate more and more to the Grinch. Yet, when I see him at the end, realizing love, happiness, and the beauty of Christmas I myself am reminded of something pretty important. Don't be a Grinch. It's Christmas! The perfect time to be happy.
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7. The Holiday
This one is a personal favorite of mine. You see two women from completely different walks of life coming together and overcoming all the issues life has thrown at them. It's a beautiful, funny, and inspiring story.
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8. The Nightmare Before Christmas
Halloween, Christmas, Easter, The middle of summer... You can watch this movie at about any time of the year. It's adorable, funny, a little creepy, and definitely. has the darker side that most of Tim Burton's movies have. There's just something about Jack discovering the beauty of Christmas that really brings it to life...
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9. A Year Without Santa Claus
This one is an oldie but a goodie. With claymation-esque animation, a corny soundtrack, and even corny-er characters it's impossible not to enjoy this movie. If you're looking for an hour of pure, wholesome entertainment, this and it's film brothers are the right place to look.
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10. A Charlie Brown Christmas
Universally agreed as one of the greatest Christmas movies of all time, A Charlie Brown Christmas is just the thing to put anyone in the holiday spirit. Old fashioned yet still relatable, anyone and everyone can enjoy this holiday classic.
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/peanuts-charlie-brown-a-chri... GIPHY
I hope you all enjoyed this little list and enjoy sharing it with your family this holiday season. Happy holidays!