December: The month of finals and the holiday season. This is a compiled list of all the kinds of holiday food college girls consume while stress eating during a study session for exams and preparing for Christmastime.
1. Cookies
Christmas cookies, Oreos, Girl Scout cookies... Any kind of cookie will be consumed more than usual during December.
2. Candy canes
Seems like they are the official candy of Christmas...
3. Goldfish
The perfect snack for studying.
4. Chocolate
Honestly, chocolate is good any time of the year.
5. Candy
M&Ms, Hershey kisses, Peppermint... candy is definitely great around the holidays.
6. Rice Krispies treats
Something about the holidays screams rice Krispie treats.
7. Granola
Popular brain food
8. Gingerbread
Gingerbread cookies, gingerbread houses?! Yes, please.
9. Holiday pies...
Lots of pies are made and eaten during the holiday season
10. ... or just pizza pies, tbh
Lots of pizza will be consumed in preparation for finals or in celebration of finals being over.
11. Chex trail mix
Another study snack.
12. Puppy chow
The most glorious, most amazing snack out there during Christmas (or anytime, tbh).