With the holidays approaching, I keep thinking about why the holidays are my favorite time of the year. Some say it's because they are tied to how their childhood memories and the holidays only bring just that. For me it's a great time, everyone has at least one Christmas which they really don't feel good about. But for me, mine is filled with happy memories. For me, it's also the fact that I get to unwind from school and really go home and spend some quality time with my family.
Also, it's cool because my boyfriend (whom I'm in a long-distance relationship with) comes to Florida for a really long time. I get very happy that I get to share happy moments with him and really get to share how my family develops and what our traditions are. For me, I would like to understand why other people personally like the holidays.
I really like seeing other people's perspectives on what the holidays and what they really should be like and what they believe the Christmas tradition should be. I think others believe that Christmas is not about gift giving but it should be about the moments you share with your family and being able to share intimate moments with one another.
For me, when I was a little girl, I always loved the feeling of waking up on Christmas morning - rushing to see what was under the tree. I guess you can say it was the typical Christmas morning. As we got older, we transitioned into opening our gifts on Christmas Eve instead of the next morning.
For me, it didn't matter if we even got gifts, because I was grateful for just spending time with my family. It's the emotion that you create with an individual by getting them a gift or doing something out of the ordinary. It's not about the gifts but about how you go out of your way and think about someone you love.
That gift that you give them on Christmas morning is a symbol that you went out of your way because you love that person and you want to show them that you thought about them. And as humans, that is why we create adult relationships and form a family because that is our little niche and these people make us feel wanted and appreciated. We want individuals to think about us in a way that not everyone will. I love getting my family present for Christmas because it's the way that I show that I think about them and this is the time that I can do something very nice for them and potentially leave some memorabilia.
Christmas is not about the physical gifts but the symbols that we give our families to make each other feel special and connected.