Ian Cron did a podcast on this very subject and instead of making you listen to the whole 40minute conversation I decided to give you my very best list so you can get something special for everyone on your list. On a side note, Santa is most definitely a two if you were curious. On now onto the presents.
1. The Perfectionist - a gift card to The Container Store
The container store strikes a special chord with even the messiest and disorganized person there is. Therefore it is heaven for a one. Don't try to buy them what you think is best, they know better. You are the student, they are the master.
2. The Helper - A Cook BookÂ
A cook book allows a two to do what they do best: helping others by cooking them a nice meal. Plus it's low key a gift for you too. Everyone wins.
3. The Achiever - A 2019 PlannerÂ
Threes are ambitious and goal oriented but sometimes can lack the organization and execution to achieve it. Therefore a nice planner is ideal. Sneak a peak at the planner that they use and get that. Don't try to get fancy and buy them a new brand. The three knows what they want and will return it.
4. The Individualist - one on one time Â
Fours are often insecure about abandonment and if people truly understand there authentic selves. Therefore pick something specific that you know they enjoy and do it with them. This shows "hey, I know you" and "I want to spend time with you." Are they crafty? Take them to a ceramics class. Sporty? Try a yoga class together! Anything that involves being active is also super ideal because that helps get them outside of their feelings and into their bodies. So go show your moody four friends some extra love!
5. The Investigator - a day at the spa (alone.)Â
Alone time is super important to a five. Therefore show them you care by giving them the best alone time ever. They will thank you later. So also a bed tent? Look it up. Only a five would like such a thing.
6. The Loyalist - fidget SpinnerÂ
...... or something else that helps with anxiety or momentary stress (but personally I think the fidget spinner is superior). Sixes are some of the best friends ever, but they struggle with anxiety, stress, and doubt. This gift shows them you love them at their best and worst. Plus fidget spinners are just freakin cool.
7. The Enthusiast - HeelysÂ
Heelys and other toys that make you think "who thinks of this stuff??" are made specifically for sevens. Typically sevens are looking for the next adventure and fun experience that can take their mind out of the present. Sevens are typically stuck thinking of the next adventure before they can experience the joy of the present. Well now sevens can enjoy the present on the move.
8. The Challenger - A Kickboxing ClassÂ
Eights have a little bit of a temper and aggression and if they can channel this side of them, eights become incredible leaders. So give your favorite eight the gift that keeps on giving.
9. The Peacemaker - A Moleskin JournalÂ
Sometimes nines are so worried about other people's feelings that they forget to think of themselves and their wellbeing. So giving a nine some time and a space for inner reflection is ideal this holiday season. This time can be stressful for everyone, but even more so for the caring nines in your life.