Christmas Break is finally here and you can barely hold in all the excitement from finishing finals. You have never been so happy to finish one of the toughest semesters.
You just took your last final and you are jumping with joy.
You finally get to go home and see your friends and family. You have never been so excited to leave town.
Time to let loose and relax.
Catching up on sleep is nice as well.
When you see Santa for the first time this holiday.
Checking your final grades.
Looking at your final grades and remembering your professor said you would make an A in the class, but gave you a B.
Reuniting with your friends.
6-month dentist appointment, doctor appointments, and many more dreaded appointments.
Realizing you have yet to do any Christmas shopping and Christmas is 5 days away.
When you run into someone you graduated with.
Having to sit at the kids' table for Christmas.
Getting to open presents.
When your friends are busy and you start to get bored.
Where did the break go?! Why did it go by so fast?! I don't want to go back to school.
Finally seeing your college friends after being apart for the past month.