One of the most difficult things to do is attempt to focus when you are overly excited. You know when there's only one more class between you and Thanksgiving break, and you're too excited to think, but too behind on work to skip class? That's basically all of us right now.
The most important thing to remember at times like this - finals coming up, final projects and papers endless, end of the semester too soon - is to take time to enjoy the holiday season. Not only will celebrating help you forget about the mound of work you have to do, but it will also help ease stress. Here are a few tips to keep self-care at the forefront in order to have an enjoyable holiday season.
1. Listen to Christmas music.
Even if you hate it, Christmas music is an entire genre of warm, joyful mood music. You cannot deny that Christmas music makes you want to curl up with hot chocolate and fuzzy socks watching the snow fall. Make your new study playlist include some Christmas tunes, and you'll be sure to smile more during finals prep.
2. Decorate (even in a dorm)!
Getting into the spirit of Christmas all starts with your surroundings. Putting up lights, stockings, and a tree will not only brighten up the room, but remind you of childhood traditions where it seemed like the whole world was celebrating Christmas. Also you could make it into a contest with your friends to see who can make the most elaborate displays.
3. Eat a delicious meal.
It’s time to kiss Monday night pizza night goodbye this week. Even if you can’t have a home-cooked meal, you can still pretend. Eating something that’s traditional holiday food, like pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes or cranberry sauce, can bring back some holiday memories and help ease stress (or just fill you up in a more satisfying way than cafeteria food).
4. Treat yo self.
Christmas is a time of giving, so why not give something to yourself? Getting through the year is a bigger accomplishment than it sounds, so don’t feel bad celebrating that by getting yourself something nice. I fully plan on getting myself a massage and a pedicure for Christmas. No regrets.
5. Throw a massive Christmas party.
There’s something special and different about celebrating holidays with friends before celebrating with family. Whether it’s in the middle of finals week and you can’t take it anymore, or you’ve finished finals and you need something to bring some joy to your life, throw a huge Christmas party with your friends. It’s always nice to have that one last hurrah before going home for a few weeks.
With all these in mind, don’t let the stress of life take away from your holiday celebrations. I wish you all a happy and stress-free holiday season!