"The most wonderful time of the year." Truer words could not have been spoken. The Christmas season is full of joy, nostalgia, and generosity. Giving and donating have become trademarks of the days surrounding the holiday, street-corners full of Santas ringing bells, coat drives at every strip mall, and surprising those in need with an extra special gift, unexpected and greatly appreciated.
Everyone wishes for a White Christmas, waking the morning of and finding their yard covered in sparkling powder and having to wear slippers down to the tree to keep their feet warm. The coldness enhances the day, giving everything a cozier vibe, and allowing you to warm up at the fireplace after a day outside dodging snowballs. Hot drinks are broken out around Noel, from hot chocolate to peppermint coffees, to the last vestiges of pumpkin spice lattes still circulating around the shivering passersby. Scarves and hats and boots can be worn with layered cardigans and coats to protect against the chill while sporting a Rudolph nose with them.
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Houses you drive past twinkle with multicolored and flashing lights, bouncing off the snow. Inside, trees glimmer with more lights and various ornaments. Greens and reds are in abundance, gold, and silver flashing here and there, adding opulence and brightness. Classic poinsettias tie in tradition, and candy canes add whimsical touches hanging from firs and dangling from the mouths of children. Shiny bows and foiled paper glisten under the trees, inviting their recipients to sneak one open before the actual day.
Joyful music plays from every car and phone. Their melodies can be heard far from the season, as early as Halloween with those too excited to wait. Bells can be heard in almost every one, adding to the festivity of its sound. They play outside the stores advertising sale goods and seasonal decor, giving your splurging session a happy background theme. These stores tempt with shiny new gifts for your loved ones and distract with their flashy displays.
The festivity and spirit created by the brilliance of the holiday season can lift anyone's mood, delighting with sights and sounds that are both merry and bright. Families come together to share their meals and gifts, neighbors exchange pleasantries and strangers share smiles. The spirit of the season pervades all, and no one can resist its joyous essence.