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The 5 Best Things About Christmas As A College Student

Because everything's better in college, and that includes Christmas.

The 5 Best Things About Christmas As A College Student

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It's the most wonderful time of the year! You know it, I know it, Hallmark knows it, it's Christmas! There are so many reasons to love Christmas, but, as it does with anything, college certainly provides a new take on this season. Some of the Christmas-correlated things you see on campus might scar you, but this article is about the ones that don't or at least the ones that scar you in a good way?

1. Seeing your college peers with their actual families


In college, it seems we see people at their absolute worst more so than in any other area of life. We have the pleasure of seeing each other in our at-home state that is usually reserved for close relatives only.

That kid you saw passed out on a bike rack the other day? He's now posting Snapchats on his story playing with his little nephews and going to Christmas Eve service with his mom. That is the beauty of college.

2. Ugly sweater parties


Sure, getting all dolled up in your cutest outfit and hitting the town is fun, but change into an ugly sweater and the night just amped up to a ten. It's comfortable, it's silly, it's only appropriate once a year.

Wrap yourself in some lights and find some tinsel, the possibilities are endless.

3. Decorating your room


Did someone say lights? You probably already have a string of decorative lights up, but this calls for about six more strands wrapped around, well, everything you own.

Also, a mini Christmas tree with you and your roommates names on ornaments. Tell me that isn't Instagram-worthy.

4. Free stuff 


Campus seems to have little free things everywhere during Christmas, especially with finals happening simultaneously. This year, I had two free meals, a free therapy dog petting session, a backpack key chain, some candy, and a couple of Christmas cookies. Win.

5. Figuring out new ways to wrap things


So, now that you're in college, your family probably trusts you with more wrapping than they did in your adolescent years. After all, you're a couple years off from a degree, so your engineering skills have probably improved at least a little, right?

Well, it's more like you're still young enough to wrap something in a completely abstract way and maybe pull it off as fun or cute instead of sloppy. You should use that to your advantage.

These are just a few of the perks college adds to the list of awesome Christmas things. Live it up, people, because these are the best years.

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