5. Drink hot chocolate and sit by a fire | The Odyssey Online
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12 Fun Christmas Activities To Do With Your Friends And Family This Holiday Season

Christmas is a time when you should be doing fun activities!

12 Fun Christmas Activities To Do With Your Friends And Family This Holiday Season
Photo by Brett Sayles on Pexels

Christmas time is the most wonderful time of the year! Everyone should be doing fun activities and crafts that you can only do during the holidays. Here are 12 ideas to get you started.

1. Make gingerbread houses

Make it a competition and have fun with it! It doesn't need to be pretty or clean, just have fun with whatever you're making.

2. Make your own stockingsĀ 

This is another easy, quick, and extremely fun activity. You can even make them for your pets!

3. Make homemade garland

The Whimsy Days / Instagram

All you need is a needle, line, popcorn, cranberries, and whatever else you want on it! It is an easy and fun activity that doesn't take a lot of time. You can do this while you watch Christmas movies or listen to Christmas music, too!

4. Watch Christmas movies

This is the only time it is truly acceptable to have Christmas movies on repeat. You can watch all the classics and then watch all of the new ones!

5. Drink hot chocolate and sit by a fireĀ 

You can never go wrong with hot chocolate and sitting by a warm fire! If you are over 21, you can always have spiked hot chocolate!

6. Color and bake shrinky dinks

Aster Lily Jewelry / Instagram

This is something my family has done for ages! You can keep these for years and even make them into holiday ornaments.

7. Look at Christmas lightsĀ 

This is the only time of the year that you can go look at all of the neighborhood lights or lights at the local state fair and zoo!

8. Bake dessertsĀ 

This is the time of the year where your house should smell like gingerbread, peppermint, and baked goods. Bake away or convince someone who likes to bake to bake with you!

9. Decorate a Christmas tree

This is a classic and traditional Christmas activity. It is the best family bonding activity and so fun!

10. Bake and frost holiday cookies

Laura James / Pexels

This is so fun even if you are horrible at it, like me. Put on some Christmas music and frost away!

11. Go ice skating

This is a classic winter activity. You may not be good at ice skating, but it is always fun to try and to even take cute pictures!

12. Decorate ugly Christmas sweatersĀ 

Go buy sweaters from dollar general or goodwill, then get some glitter, garland, and random ornaments. You can wear it to all your Christmas parties this season and next!

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