Contrary to popular belief, Christina Yang leaving the show was just as bad for me as when Derek left. Or Mark. Or Lexie. Or dare I say George? Jeez, Shonda Rhimes why do you do this to us. At LEAST she didn't kill Sandra off. Then we would have some serious issues on our hand. But as I sit here and think of my girl Christina Yang, I realize she describes my life, the college girl life, in a nut shell.
When you don't see your roommate for over 3 hours...
And then you arrive and act like you never eaten a meal in your life...
When you find yourself makeup-less, bra-less, and motivation-less...again...
When you and all of your friends are in the same boat of stress, fatigue, life falling apart, you know the usual...
But you dance it out to make it all better...
When you realize it is only Monday...
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