A few days ago, I stumbled across an article titled "Should We, As Christians, Be Drinking the Pumpkin Spice Latte". I was intrigued, so I clicked the article and read through it quickly. As I was reading, I couldn't help but feel a wave of anger wash over me. I couldn't help but think "this has to be a joke", and "are you kidding me?"
Let me make one thing very clear: I am a Christian. I love the Lord. What I don't love is the way people twist religion and make it into something that constricts, confines, and puts down people for the smallest of reasons. That's not what Jesus was about and that's not anything that people who say they follow Him should be about either.
Jesus said to go and preach the Gospel to every creature. Getting offended over last year's Starbucks cup "controversy" isn't doing that. Suddenly telling people that they are "bad" Christians for drinking a pumpkin spice latte isn't doing that. Preaching a hellfire and brimstone Gospel or telling people that they aren't living how YOU want them to live isn't doing that. We should be a living example to people. The way we live our lives should be pointing to Christ, and we shouldn't even have to verbally bring up the subject of Jesus. Being a Christian is about how you live, and not what you say. Do you really think that non-Christians care that you think Starbucks drinkers are going to hell? Do you really think they take you seriously?
If the point of our lives is to reach people, why aren't we doing it? It seems as though we've lost sight of the important things, and instead, we've replaced it with whatever ridiculous fabrications we can create among our so-called "Christian culture." Maybe living like that isn't really being a Christian at all, but instead is causing us to be a slave to rules, regulations, and an undying will to live in total isolation from those who aren't exactly like we are or who don't believe the way that we think they should. If the morality of Starbucks is more present in your mind than the Divinity of Jesus and His teachings, it's time to wake up.
I don't know what tomorrow's "Christian" scandal is going to be, and quite honestly, I don't care. I don't know what "Christian" blogger is going to call for all Christians to boycott a business because the owner is gay next. I don't know what the next call for offense is going to be. What I do know is how we should react to it, and it's not by doing any of the aforementioned things.
While people are out in this world starving to death, we are here condemning people for drinking pumpkin spice lattes. If that doesn't startle you, it should. If the fact that people are dying in every corner of the earth and they've never heard about Jesus doesn't make you wake up, I don't know what will. All I know is that Jesus would be outreaching people, and He most certainly would not be stirring the pot in the latest dumb, catty, "Christian" drama. Let's get it together, people.
Preach the Gospel, and if necessary, use words.