Christians for Trumps: Someone please explain.
There are so many things that have perplexed me, and many Americans who just don’t understand how people can vote for and love Donald Trump. I mean, this past year of campaigning has been hard to watch; Trump says something so racist like, "let’s ban all Muslims from coming in the country." He makes up fake figures and facts and their support never wavers. Trump makes fun of a disabled journalist, it’s all fine and good. Says he would date his daughter, it's laughed off. And even after he is seen on camera boosting about basically just seeing a woman and taking and touching any part of her that he pleases, there are still millions of people in this country who make excuses, back him, and their support for him never wavers.
What is even more sick about this is the large amount of his supporters who are “Christians.” Yes, religious people who raise hell at the thought of a transgender person using a bathroom or two gay people getting married. This same group of people who throw quotes of scripture to condemn someone else for not being holy or righteous enough.
I’m really writing this to gain a clear understanding. How can you be hardcore religious yet hardcore Trump? How can they both be the same person?
(Source: Young Turks YouTube Channel 2016)
According to a study conducted by Pew research in July 2016, 78% of white Evangelical voters said they support Trump. While there are people backing away from Trump in droves, the large majority of them are smart politicians who can see the writing on the wall and they understand a Trump defeat is almost inevitable. So they are now stepping back and stepping away trying to save their own positions within the government.
Yet, I still I wonder what vision of the country so many are seeing. A pastor really said that Trump's morals or his behavior does not matter and the sexual assault thing on tape doesn’t matter right now. There are more important things to correct and worry about in this country than what Trump said.
Seriously, that’s what he said… Listen for yourself…. Then pick your jaw up off the ground like I had to.
(Source: Ukraine Today YouTube Channel 2016)
Many of Trump’s supporters talk about how they need a tough outsider to fight the good fight for them. That is how they view Trump. I guess that helps many of them sleep at night. Knowing someone else is on the front lines speaking about the things they view most important…Making sure that the US remains a white Christian country.
The reality is that that day and age in the United States of America is dead and gone. Today most American’s embrace diversity, equality, education, and are not very religious. The next generation in America are less worried about quoting Bible verses and more worried about how things affect people’s lives. That is a beautiful thing for most of us. However, for the group of white evangelicals, it can be scary. They are losing their power, position, and authority. No longer are we looking to them for guidance or approval. It is no longer about them. No one cares about their views, opinions, or thoughts about how other’s live their lives. That can be terrifying. To know not only have you lost twice (to Obama). No matter how much hatred you spewed, and tantrums you threw (Obama had the most filibusters of ANY other President at 82). It did not work. It actually destroyed you even more. The Republican party is in shambles and they are facing a huge defeat in the upcoming election. I completely understand why House speaker Paul Ryan told other Republican candidates to do what’s best for them and their campaign. In other words, head for the hills, this ship is about to blow up and if you want your job, you better sing a new song.
When this is mess of an election is all over and the dust settles and clears, there will be a lot of difficult questions that many people will have to answer. To the so-called Christians who supported Trump, it will be why? How can someone who spews so much hate, who is so self-absorbed, who has lied and cheated thousands, broken households, divorces wives for mistresses, racist, sexist person be so beloved and upheld by Christians. To those Christians, what happened to your morals? Where’s your Bible? Did you consult Jesus about this one? I’m seriously asking.