It is definitely difficult for me, as a Christian, to tell people that I accept same-sex couples, same-sex marriages, and the LGBT community as a whole. I feel like I get a lot of hate because of it and I have actually been in a situation where someone has told me that accepting their lifestyle will be the reason I go to hell. I was completely shocked at this remark and, of course, it hurt my feelings.
I accept everyone. No matter what they do or what they have done, I feel like everyone deserves to be accepted because they are human, just like I am. It wasn’t until I was reading somewhere on the internet about the percentage of gay people who commit suicide each year, that I really got a glimpse at how hurt and ashamed some of them are, and let me tell you, if anyone actually looks at the numbers, it will be a huge shock! It will make you want to change the way you view these innocent people, no matter what religion you follow.
I understand what the Bible says about gay people. I know that it is wrong, I know that it is very frowned upon in my church community, or any church, but I cannot force myself to act as if I hate these people just because they love differently than I do. I don’t think it’s fair and I don’t think it is right for those who claim to be “Christians” to shun these people. I have seen, firsthand, what a group of Christians has done to someone who is gay. Even though it is only words, opinions, it still hurts them. That’s not a very Christian lifestyle.
Christians are supposed to be uplifting, encouraging, accepting, and loving people. Sadly, not everyone is like that, and I cannot wrap my head around that reality.
I accept the LGBT community and same-sex relationships because I have friends, really, really good friends who I love and care about deeply. I will forever accept them, and I expect those who love and care about me in the same way that I love and care about my gay friends, to accept me. I do not want to ever be the type of Christian to tell someone who they can or cannot love. It is not my place to be that kind of person.
God does not want any of His people to act that way.
As Christians, it is our job to make everyone feel accepted, loved, and we should treat everyone equally – even if they are gay. If you do not support the LGBT community, fine, but do not make them feel like they are worthless or like they do not belong. Imagine if someone made your child feel that way. How would that make you feel?
It’s not too pretty to be on the other side of a hate campaign.
If you are reading this and you’re gay, whether you have let it be known or not, just know that you’re not alone. There’s someone who accepts you and loves you, I promise.