My God, my God
You are the creator of the universe. You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You spoke a word and brought creation. You. You are. You are my God. YAHWEH. And I pray your will be done on earth. Kingdom come. Reign on us. Right now, I cry out. I have no idea which way to turn. I know that you are in control. While we sit in this confusion, remind us of who you are. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Bring peace over this land as we wrestle with our emotions. Your timing is perfect. I can’t pretend to try to comprehend the way you orchestrate the world. I don’t understand why things happen. I like to know the big picture. Then I remember you are victorious in the end. You rose from the grave. Even death could not defeat you. So it is in you I find enduring hope. Be with me as we sit in the pain. Give us the strength to sit in the pain. Use this time to show your might. You are God. You are God. You are God. In you, I find hope. I believe no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I believe in angels surrounding and protecting me. I believe you are sovereign King. I believe you can use even the li-lest man to bring victory. You are a provider. You are a protector. Did you not care for the Israelites while they wandered in the desert? I know who you are. I believe in your power. Your will be done in America. Cover this place. Give us peace in this pain. We need you. We need your love. We know you are love. Raise up a generation in love with pursuing you. Give us strength Father. Jesus, bring about the change we so desperately long for, the change we so desperately need. We are longing for your mercy and your grace. We long for your joy, you peace beyond all understanding. Help us put our trust in you. Help us to lean on you. In these uncertain mes, watch our language. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight oh Lord, you are my strength and redeemer. Allow your people to demonstrate the love that comes from you. Give us the desire to act in love. Let us correct and comfort in love. Guide this country Father. We may have a human in office, but we know you are in control. Give us the strength and the heart to speak out in righteous anger against the things that are not of you. We need you like never before. We need you daily. I need you daily. I need you every hour of every day. I thank you for the new opportunities you are giving. I thank you for this great American experiment. I thank you for you. I love you forever.
Bekah S.