If believing in religion means that you have to "abide" by some guidelines or follow values relevant to that religion then why is it so important to the majority of people? Why commit yourself to something that causes pain and guilt, that says if you perform a specific action that you are in the wrong, a sinner, etc.?
Life is full of uncertainties and challenges for everyone, in we all die. The mystery is what does it all mean, what is the purpose of life? That is why religion or just believing in something is important because it gives a sense of purpose and belonging. Our sense of justice and the better good is what makes us want to follow standards.
This is a story of how I found out what I believe in. Some of you may not believe in what I do and that is okay. I do not judge other people on their beliefs and opinions, we are entitled our own as our right to individual freedom.
In most cases, people grow up in a religious home and when they are old enough they decide if that is what they believe in. In my case, my parents raised my siblings and me in a nonreligious home. Other than the few times when I was younger or once in a blue moon when a friend invited me I did not go to church. I never really knew what any of it meant, or had any reason to take the time to understand. Schools are not allowed to teach on the different religions because of law.
Coming to college was the first time I opened myself up to believe in something. There are so many different organizations that develop themselves from some sort of religion or belief. One, in particular, reached out to me. I was an eager freshman to meet new people and they gave me cookies so it was a bonus! Even though I hung out with them and went to some of their meetings, I still had not taken the time to understand.
It took me to hit rock bottom before I took the energy to spend on discovering myself. I did not feel like I belonged, I felt like a screw-up. My life was in a spiral. I questioned myself.
I asked friends for advice and help. Then one day it seemed that it clicked, everything fell into place. I have dedicated myself as a Christian, acknowledging Jesus as my lord and savior. Since then I do not pity myself and I accept my mistakes. I am getting my life in order.
Dedicating myself as a Christian doesn't mean that I do not love people that haven't accepted him. Every Christian has the right to their own thoughts and opinions. All I know is that since discovering what I believe in everything else seems to make sense. I am not saying that you have to give your heart to Christ but I encourage everyone to know what they believe.