On November 23, 2016, Disney released Moana, the story of a Polynesian princess desperate to leave her small island in search of something greater. She is “called” to the sea countless times throughout her life, but her attempts to explore are continually thwarted by her father’s demands for her to stay home and rule her people. When her island is overcome with a curse, Moana embarks on her first journey across the sea, confronting spear-throwing coconut people and egotistical, shape-shifting demigods.
Throughout her journey, Moana has a special connection to the sea. The sea literally calls to her, the water shifting and waning to provide her safety in her travels. This seems like an obvious sign she is destined to go beyond the lagoon around her home, but she struggles to truly believe she is meant for greater things. As the story progresses, Moana’s trust in the water falters and fades, until she is almost ready to give in to her father’s wishes to stay on her island. However, a familiar friend reminds her of her destiny in the sea and her faith (and later, her island) are saved.
From a Christian standpoint, Moana represents Christians and the sea represents God. The sea calls to Moana, just as God calls to us, to do great things, and she must choose whether or not to act on that call. Like the sea protects Moana as she travels, God protects us as we make our way through the twists and turns life has to offer. Even when the storm hits as we sail the seas of life, God is with us to guide the way.
And while there are great moments where God makes his presence in our lives obvious, there are also moments when His help isn’t quite where we want it to be. Once Moana realizes the sea is meant to help her find her way, she becomes accustomed to its assistance. However, there are moments when the waters don’t aid her the second she calls to them, but rather find their way to lend a hand at a greater point. When we call to Him, God doesn’t always immediately answer, but shows His work at a more influential time.
Moana’s doubts and struggle to accept her ties to the sea also reflect Christian experience. After several draining battles and hurtful fights, Moana begins to lose hope in everything she once believed. The sea “abandoned” her and in her darkest moments, she tells the sea it chose the wrong person. It accepts her rejection, but works its magic to convince her of her calling. We as Christians can experience doubt in our Creator, especially in times of hardship and worry. We must remember that in the darkest of moments, God will reveal Himself in great, unexpected ways.
Moana knew she was called by the sea for a reason, and you should know that God calls on you for a reason. Moana followed her instinct even when her family pushed her from her destiny, and we should use this to look upon what God has done. Don’t doubt God’s call; it’s your destiny.