Yes, you read that right, and I am just trying to be as blunt as I can be.
If you profess to be a follower of Jesus, your life should be a reflection of your supposed faith.
Understand this first off, the Bible clearly states that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone, and nothing we can do can earn our salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9). Our belief in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus is the only thing that can save us (Romans 10:9-10). Our actions do not save us.
But, the Bible also clearly states that faith without works is dead (James 2:17).
These two ideas seem to contradict but think about it.
If you label yourself as a Christian, but you never put your faith into action, are you truly a Christian?
If I were to claim to be an athlete, but I never worked out, I never played sports, and I only ate junk food, would I be an athlete?
Simply, no.
Saying you are something does not make that statement true. I could claim to be the greatest athlete in the world, but if there is no evidence, it is not credible.
Claiming to be a Christian is just the same. If your life is contradicting to God’s law, then why should we believe your faith to be real.
You cannot just slap a Bible verse into your Instant bio to make you a Christian.
You cannot tattoo some Christian symbol or phrase onto yourself to make you a Christian.
Your whole life should be a reflection of Jesus.
Don’t get me wrong, though. Christianity is not a list of duties to accomplish.
I am not saying you have to go to church every week, read your Bible every day, pray continuously, and so on to be saved.
It is not about being perfect. If this were the case, then every single human that has ever walked the face of this earth would be disqualified of salvation.
Again, we are saved by grace through faith, but how do we put our faith into action?
It comes down to one thing- your heart.
Before your actions can change, you need a heart change.
When you understand the absolute love and grace and mercy that has been given to us through Jesus, it should be our desire to be obedient. It is not a have to, it is a want to.
We are redeemed by The King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Prince of Peace, the Creator of the universe, the Savior of all mankind.
Let this truth captivate you. Put your complete trust in Jesus. Let His goodness overcome you. When you abide in this, your life will begin to change.
Your faith will be evident as you seek to know more and grow more daily.
Don’t wear a Christian label. Live out a Christian lifestyle.
Make your faith real, and let the love of Jesus transform you.