19. ‘Washed by the Water’ by NEEDTOBREATHE | The Odyssey Online
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50 Songs That Will Get Your Next Youth Group Road Trip TURNT

Songs guaranteed to get any youth group turnt.

50 Songs That Will Get Your Next Youth Group Road Trip TURNT
Jackson Littleton

I grew up in a Southern Baptist country church all my life. My Dad was chairman of the deacons and my best friends dad was the preacher during my pre-teen through teen years, so I was always in church. I was a wild kid doing crazy stuff but always in church on Wednesdays and Sundays. I was essentially your typical PK (preacher's kid) or DK (deacon's kid). Most kids my age were listening to rap and pop, some to rock and country. For me, it was a mixture with a lot of my musical knowledge in Christian Music ranging from contemporary pop to gospel to Christian rock and even Christian rap. I don't keep up with it as much as I used to as I have drifted a little away from Church and I'm working on coming back closer after being back to my home church.

For me, there've always been certain songs that get me turnt.

Some are older and some are newer. And "turnt" for Christian music it's not quite like other music — it's more of songs that get you either happy or just gets the group singing. Just with Christian music singing as a group on a road trip or just at a youth event is different than singing secular songs on a road trip or at a party.

The idea of this comes after seeing a buddy, Tristan Yaptengco (Yappy_Twan_Twan on YouTube), posted a video a few months ago to snap. In the video it shows Tristan and some friends all having an Acapella sesh in a car while listening to "Oceans" by Hillsong UNITED. And that is where we will start our list with the number one song that gets Christians turnt.

1. ‘Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)’ by Hillsong UNITED

2. ‘I Can Only Imagine’ by MercyMe

3. ‘Reckless Love’ by Cory Asbury

4. ‘This Is Amazing Grace’ by Phil Wickman

5. ‘10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)’ by Matt Redman

6. ‘In Christ Alone (My Hope Is Found)’ by Addriene Liesching and Geoff Moore

7. ‘Mighty To Save’ by Hillsong UNITED

8. ‘Beautiful Day’ by Jamie Grace

9. ‘Give Me Your Eyes’ by Brandon Heath

10. ‘There Will Be A Day’ by Jeremy Camp

11. ‘Jesus Freak’ by DC Talk

12. ‘Drops In the Ocean’ by Hawk Nelson

13. ‘Meant To Live’ by Switchfoot

14. ‘Lead Me’ by Sanctus Real

15. ‘Where I Belong’ by Building 429

16. ‘Speak Life’ by TobyMac

17. ‘Praise You In This Storm’ by Casting Crowns

18. ‘City On Our Knees’ by TobyMac

19. ‘Washed by the Water’ by NEEDTOBREATHE

20. ‘Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)’ by Chris Tomlin

21. ‘By Your Side’ by Tenth Avenue North

22. ‘Revelation Song’ by Phillips, Craig & Dean

23. ‘Big House’ by Audio Adrenaline

24. ‘God's Not Dead (Like A Lion)’ by Newsboys

25. ‘Strong Tower’ by Kutless

26. ‘I Need A Miracle’ by Third Day

27. ‘The Motions’ by Matthew West

28. ‘Light Up the Sky’ by the Afters

29. ‘Overcomer’ by Mandisa

30. ‘Redeemed’ by Big Daddy Weave

31. ‘Brother’ by NEEDTOBREATHE feat. Gavin Degraw

32. ‘Voice of Truth’ by Casting Crowns

33. ‘Lead Me To The Cross’ by Hillsong UNITED

34. ‘I Will Rise’ by Chris Tomlin

35. ‘Whom Shall I Fear (God Of Angel Armies)’ by Chris Tomlin

36. ‘Steal My Show’ by TobyMac

37. ‘Our God’ by Chris Tomlin

38. ‘How Great Is Our God’ by Chris Tomlin

39. ‘East To West’ by Casting Crowns

40. ’The Proof of Your Love’  by for KING & COUNTRY

41. ’The Words I Would Say’ by Sidewalk Prophets

42. ‘Holy Spirit’ by Francesca Battistelli

43. ‘Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)’ by Casting Crowns

44. ‘When The Stars Burn Down (Blessing and Honor)’ by Phillips, Craig & Dean

45. ‘Your Love’ by Brandon Heath

46. ‘Who Am I’ by Casting Crowns

47. ‘Ooh Ahh (My Life Be Like)’ by Grits feat. TobyMac

48. ‘One Thing Remains’ by Passion feat. Kristian Stanfill

49. ‘Made To Love’ by TobyMac

50. ‘Hymns Medley: Amazing Grace / Be Thou My Vision / Come Thou Fount / I Need Thee Every Hour’ by Anthem Lights

There are many more great Christian songs but these are my top 50 to play to get any congregation, youth group or group on a road trip singing along and getting turnt for Christ.

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