The black ink permanently etched into my skin tells a special story of a life that is mine. I am a Christian and I have two tattoos. They mean something deep to me, yet people see that I have tattoos and think “oh she must be a rebel child.” My tattoos are written in Hebrew and the running joke is that they must mean something different then what I think they do. Someone once said that they probably mean taco or something ridiculous, I laugh it off because I know that I spoke to someone who is fluent Hebrew before I put it on my body.
My first tattoo is on my left wrist, and I have had it for almost a year now. The meaning is easily translated to endure/stand firm, which I use to mean something like ‘overcomer.’ This is a constant reminder that no matter what hurdles I’ve had to jump over in life I survived through it with God by my side. Nothing that comes my way could break me when I think about all that I have persevered through.
As for my second tattoo, shown above, it resides parallel to the first one and its home is on my right wrist. It reads as forgiven and tells me that I have been forgiven for many things and that I need to forgive those around me just as easily. Something that might be so simple, but just as difficult at the same time. It's the type of forgiveness that means that you have completely forgotten the wrongs that someone has done to you, difficult but still possible.
Number three is in the works and I am preparing to get it. Hanging on my left rib is where I plan to have it. "The Rest Is Still Unwritten..." because my story isn't over yet and I still have great things to do for the Lord. A feather pen will be placed at the end of the line, tying in the writer side of my life.
Two of the most common statements I hear from people are: "How are you going to get a job with those?" and "Those are going to look bad when you are old and wrinkly and then you’ll regret them." One thing I have constantly noticed is the potential profession question is often geared towards females. My question is why? I have two tattoos that are small, and yes, they are visible but rarely do people notice them. Just because I'm a female with tattoos doesn't make me less eligible for work than any other person.
Another thing is why do I have to regret every single choice I make in my early 20s? We all get old and wrinkly and that is something everyone has to deal with. Our skin will all look the same in old age, mine will just have awesome messages for myself and other generations. My ink makes me unique and it reminds me of the past and to push forward in the future. They are the scars that I chose to keep and remember. My parents might be in the category of those who are skeptical of my tattoos; I find that if I know within myself the reason I have permanently placed ink within my skin then that's all that matters.
Now you must find your story like I found mine!