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I'm A Christian, And I'm Voting Democrat This Election

I personally prefer candidates who actually hold town halls and rallies over incumbents who ghost us.

me and Tabitha Isner
Ginny Tilley

Alabama is currently in the bottom 4 for overall state ranking. With the midterm elections soon upon us, we have plenty of positions to fill in Alabama. Governor, representatives for state and districts, Public Service Commision, the list goes on. I have been raised in a Baptist church my whole life, but I'm voting blue for this election and all others to come.

For Governor, we have Democrat Walt Maddox and Republican Kay Ivey Both Christians, but only one treats people the way the bible tells us to. As you can see, Walt Maddox is clearly the only candidate with an actual plan for Alabama. From Education to Public Saftey, Walt Maddox has a plan. We have not seen the same from Kay Ivey. I've also been able to recently go to a campaign rally that he held at Troy University and I and many other students were able to ask questions and he gave informed and detailed answers. Still waiting for that debate, Governor Ivey.

Moving on, we have Democrat Tabitha Isner and Republican Martha Roby for Congress; more specifically, District 2. Again, with the Republican vagueness. Tell us your actual plan. It's not that hard. Also, Tabitha Isner is an ordained minister and her husband is a pastor! I recently got to meet her in Union Springs for a high school homecoming parade. She's also visited Troy University several times. I also have volunteered on occasion and she is just a joy to be around! There's been nothing on Martha Roby's side.

For Public Service Commision (yes, that's a thing), we have three places. Place 1 and 2 are up for election. For place 1, we have Democrat Cara McClure and Republican Jeremy Oden. The Montgomery Advertiser had an interview with each candidate and Cara McClure was the only candidate that talked about the issues. Alabama is currently number 2 in electricity bills and number 4 for overall energy bills.

For Place 2, we have Democrat Kari Powell and Republican Chip Beeker. Okay, now this is just frustrating. It really bothers me that both Republican candidates for PSC don't even have their own website and are super vague about the issues. However, Cara McClure and Kari Powell have actually teamed up and are running together! Both were able to visit Walt Maddox's campaign rally here at Troy and told us about issues that I didn't even know had happened and were still happening. They both told us their plan for Alabama and how to help fix the problems.

These are just the ones that have been posted all over my college's campus. There are plenty of other seats to fill and to save everyone the time and trouble, this link will show you all the amendments to vote for and positions up for election. This has been set to Troy University's location.

If you don't get anything else out of this, it's to VOTE. Exercise your most basic right as an American and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!

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