That's right.
Women deserve the rights to their own body and health without the input and judgement from anyone else -- especially from men.
Abortions and birth control are probably some of the most controversial topics throughout history, from any region, between any gender, and from the standpoint of any religion. I can bet that anyone reading this right now was told as some point in their lives that abortions are an abomination and that any woman that agreed to receiving one would burn in the fiery pits of hell or that any woman taking birth control -- regardless of age -- was only doing so to be able to have sex whenever they want without getting pregnant.
Honestly, when I was younger, I was one of those people.
I was raised in the church by a Christian family. I tried learning and living by almost every rule in the Bible and I was appalled by anyone that did not think the same way.
1. No one is perfect.
2. You cannot force someone to share your beliefs/convert to your religion.
3. People judge what they do not understand.
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged.2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." - Matthew 7:1-2
A common misconception that many people have is that the only purpose of birth control is to prevent pregnancy. This is wrong. Birth control can be used as a treatment for a multitude of sicknesses affecting a woman's body. Birth control is often prescribed for ovarian cysts, irregular menstrual cycles, Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI), acne, and can even be used as prevention against ovarian cancer.
While birth control is a difficult concept alone, abortion rights are an obstacle that women fight harder for.
I have personal opinions about abortion along with anyone else, but another woman's choice of whether she wants an abortion does not effect me or anyone else in any way besides the mother and the father.
Since many people still hold the notion that the only ability birth control is to prevent pregnancy, they continue to judge and wrongfully accuse women on the pill to be something that they are not. Many of these people are religious.
Because of the large religious Trump following, he has decided to issue a "gag rule." Below is an attached description from Planned Parenthood which explains the negative effects from this ridiculous "rule" and a link if you are interested.
Planned Parenthood - Stop "Gag Rule"
While I do understand why people do not agree with abortions, you simply cannot control what another woman decides to do to her own body. Do not make a woman's life harder because you believe you need to control her life.
God gave us our own conscious and ability to make our own decisions, which ultimately comes with consequences. As it says it the Bible, you are not to judge another person. This also means not judging their decisions. In fact, it even states that "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
To every woman out there, no matter what you decide to do to your own body, I will still love you and I will not carry any judgement.