"The second is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these." Mark 12:31 ESV
As a Christian, I personally LOVE the LGBT community. Why? Because it is what I am called to do. They receive so much hate and judgment. I recently read a Cosmo article on Snapchat that listed (just a few) transgender people who were murdered in cold blooded hate. What is even worse is Christians are some of the very people hating on them.
We are called to love them in the Ten Commandments of the Bible. The very ones we all hold dear, remember those? We turn them away and judge them. They are humans and deserve love too. If Jesus can love you for being a liar or a cheater, don't you think he still loves the LGBT community? Also, does he not see all sin as the same. In His eyes, a lie is just as bad as murder.
And, why are we turning the LGBT community away? Jesus told the disciples to let the children stay when they came to listen to His teachings. The LGBT community needs to be welcomed in. If you can reach them with the gospel, then well done, but as of right now in society, we should all have the goal of acceptance. In today's time, there is so much negativity, and honestly, Christians are holding us back at equality and progress. There are major civil rights being violated. Yes, the Bible say homosexuality is wrong, but so many of us are ignoring that the Bible also calls US to LOVE EVERYONE. Why is that so hard? DO you still love your brother even though he lied about taking money out of your purse? OR what about your sister who stole your favorite top? You still love them, so why is it so hard to love those who are different? It doesn't matter what is right and wrong. LOVE! Don't murder or beat someone just because they have different life style choices. Get to know them. Maybe they are hurting. Maybe being someone else is how they feel safe. Maybe they were abused. Maybe they were unloved. Maybe they don't know Christ and this was the answer they found. Maybe they are just different.
For Christians who were bullied or put down, why do it to others? Why not show people the love and acceptance you never got? Why be hateful, when you are so loved yourself?
So, as a Christian, I love this community. I may not always agree with their choices, but I embrace them as human beings. I may not agree, but It is not my God given right to judge them. It is solely my God given right to love them.
For those Christia's who think they can judge, you are so wrong!
And on behalf of all Christian's, I am so sorry for the judgment and hate you endure. I am happy and blessed to call you friends and to share Jesus Christ's love with you all. I don't wish to change you, but solely love you in grace.