So ladies. We are forming into women of God through trials and tribulations. We have grace, strength, and above all, we have God! There are some of you who is in the dating process of trying to find a guy who is a Christian. Yet, we should actually reach for a man of God. If we are daughters of the one true king, we should be aiming higher for the benefit of our faith. You may ask, isn't it the same thing? Surprise! It's not. There's a line between a man of God and a Christian guy.
A Christian guy is present. A man of God is interested in being in God's presence
Growing up in church, I was always present. I was a number in the people attending church. However, I didn't know that there's a difference between being present. You can be present, but are you truly listening? A Christian guy would look like they're paying attention, but do they really understand it? However, if you look at a man of God, you can tell that he's listening, understanding, and pondering on how he can apply this through his trials an tribulations.
A Christian guy gives some parts to God. A man of God is in total surrender to having a relationship with Christ
I asked my cousin this question. She explains to me that surrender is a huge part of the relationship with Christ. A Christian guy knows who God is, serves him in some parts of his life but hasn't surrendered completely and/or doesn't have a committed relationship with Christ. It's surface, knows the songs, knows the scripture, but can't apply or rely on it during times of struggle in everyday life. However, a man of God has a relationship with Christ. It's more than doing the rituals of the Christian walk. It is a full two-way relationship where he talks to God and God talks to him. He completely surrendered to God. He's not perfect but knows his shortcomings and relies on God to fix them.
A Christian guy recognizes his faith. A man of God knows who he belongs to.
I asked two of my favorite church moms this question as well. She explains to me that in our culture we identify our religion. A Christian guy recognizes that he is a Christian, yet he would still act out of selfish ways. A Christian guy may be someone who believes in Christ but he is not sold out. Commitment doesn't show in a Christian guy. He is not maturing to be Christlike. However, a man of God distinguishes himself as a man after God's own heart-one who is in relationship with God. He knows that he is the son of the one true king, and he strives to be Christlike, which is the foundation of his maturity. A man of God is sold out and committed to God, lives for God, worships God with no shame, studies the word, and he takes care of his loved ones.
Daughters of the one true king. Now that you know the difference, it is your duty to know who you are and whose you are. As a child of God, I realize that I am worth dying for. That's why Jesus died on the cross. So the only thing to strive for is the best. A Christian guy gives 50%. A man of God gives 100%. Being with a man of God who gives 100% and being a woman of God who should give 100%, will give the ultimate satisfaction for building our faith.