My Christian Golden Rule | The Odyssey Online
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My Christian Golden Rule

Do unto others as God would have you do unto yourself

My Christian Golden Rule

Full disclosure, I am not saying that I am above any other Christian. I am also not shaming any Christians or non-Christians. I have been guilty of judging people for their lifestyles before, but I am here to say that I have a new opinion. I have faults just like everyone else. I am simply explaining how I now live my life as a Christian.

Many verses shine light on how to love others and how to not be prideful in our walk with God. Many life quotes like the significant Golden Rule (Matthew 7:42) also support how we should love others.

"Do unto others as you would do unto yourself."

Other verses like Mark 12:30-31 also provide a lot of clarity in how God wants us to treat others;

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your mind and strength. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. There is no greater commandment than these."

These verses have definitely been twisted around to conform to what people want to believe, but from how I understand, the meaning is very literal. Love your neighbor. It does not say, hate your neighbor. It does not say, judge, your neighbor. It does not say tolerate your neighbor. It says LOVE your neighbor.

As a Christian, we're also never required to shove the Bible down people's throats. Of course, we can mention how we live and our lifestyle, but we should never turn our noses up at someone because they are different from us. Being judgmental does NOTHING but turn people away from God and that contradicts our sole purpose as Christians of getting people to turn towards Christ. Living a godly lifestyle to show people how true Christians should live is what inspires others to live that way too. If we shame and judge, we do nothing but make ourselves look bad.

I know how Christians view different religions such as Islam, Hinduism, Buddism, Atheism, etc. Because their religion is different does not mean that they are bad people nor that they may never change their mind. A lot can change with the slightest bit of generosity. Similarly to Mark 12:30-31 to Christians, other religions also live by these verses in their own way, proving that it doesn't take just a follower of Christ to show generosity to others.

I also understand how some Christians view sins, such as alcoholism, drugs, pornography, homosexuality, etc. I know that these things are not good. And I know that many people fall victim to these things, Christians alike. We all fall sometimes. But that does not mean that we keep those people down. We are supposed to help them up and find the light out of that dark hole that they've fallen in, right?

Christians, please keep this in mind; I am not saying that you have to be best friends with someone who's morals are not the same as yours, but I am asking that you respect them. I am asking that you to treat them like you would want to be treated. Everyone has their personal beliefs, but do not let your personal opinion affect someone seeing Christ through you.

In life, all I ever want to do is to inspire people to live a more godly life no matter their lifestyle. I have shamed people before and I'm not proud of it at all. I look back and wonder, "Why in the world was a sinner like me condemning another sinner?" I have no right to say that I am better than another sinner, and no one else has that right either. When it comes down to it, sin has no measurement. It is all equal in the eyes of the Lord. One sinner is not better than another sinner.

My favorite Bible verse which I constantly struggle to live by daily but it's a wonderful reminder is Ephesians 4:32:

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another just as in Christ God forgave you."

I'm not saying that this is an easy task by any means. It's never easy to overlook someone's wrongs and continuously love them, but that's what God does. We do wrong by Him every day and yet He loves us unconditionally.

I'm also not saying that this world will ever be a perfect place, but maybe we as Christians can shine a little more light by spreading love in dark places rather than casting the shadows with our own judgment or hate.

"For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you." -Romans 12:3 NKJV

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