The other day, my roommate asked me about gay marriage and my view on it. Before I told her my view, I asked her about hers. She said that she believes Christians are very judgmental about it and that they shouldn't blame someone for something that they are born into. She said that it is hypocritical for a Christian to call gay men or women sinners while they are also sinning themselves. She brought up a lot of sins from the old testament such as getting tattoos (which I have), and getting a divorce. I told her that her point of view is shared by many, and then I began to share my own point of view regarding gay marriage.
I explained to her that getting tattoos and getting a divorce are both sins from the Old Testament, which means that they were part of the old law before Jesus came. This means that when Jesus died, this law was dead. The sins were no longer valid and accurate. This is only the first part of it, though. Since the old law was gone, there had to be a new law and those are the sins that are stated in the New Testament, such as gay marriage and sexual impurity. This new law became much easier for the people to follow. Although we all still sin in this new law, we are also now forgiven of our sins so that we can have a relationship with God.
Next, I began to explain to her that I agreed with her statement that people are born gay, but that there is a second part to that as well. Being gay isn't the only thing people can be predestined to be. People are born with a history of addiction, making the abuse of alcohol and drugs much harder to overcome. People are born with constant anxiety, making it much harder for them to cast their struggles on God. People are born with a tendency to overeat, making gluttony harder for them to overcome. I could go on and on with this list, but you get the point. Everyone has something they were born with that they have to overcome. So then she began to ask, well then why is gay marriage the most controversial sin? My honest answer is: I don't know. That may be a flaw of the Christian church, choosing to judge these people instead of following the number one commandment, which is to love regardless.
Overall, I see this sin just like all the others. God looks at someone who is a gay Christian the same way he looks at me, the same way he looks at my mom, and the same way he looks at a pastor… as His children. I have many gay friends, and even gay godparents, and I will love all of them until the end of time. If one of my guy friends marries a man, I will be at that wedding to love them both just the way Jesus loves them. I do want to clarify that I do not support gay marriage, but that is just because I don't support sin at all. I will never judge someone for their sins, just as I hope I will never be judged for mine, except by God. I believe the Christian church needs to take on a new strategy and protest to gay marriage. A strategy of love. A vow to love gay people, and everyone, through their sins, and not to condemn them for their struggles. Maybe if we all loved more, we wouldn't get so caught up in the darkness of life. We wouldn't have wars and sadness and hurt. We wouldn't have devil worshippers and people turning away from God. We would have a world full of people fighting for people, for the glory of God.
“You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.” Matthew 7:5