Spring break is the very thing that every college student looks forward to. It is a time to get away, hang with friends and just have a great time!
There are so many fun things you can do besides going out, partying and getting drunk, something I have noticed is a common occurrence with college students. I think that college students feel that it’s cool and something that we do just to fit in. On the other hand I’m going to let you in on a little secret: you can be cool without getting wasted and partying over spring break.
Here are some alternatives to getting drunk over spring break:
1. Volunteer at your local animal shelter. Cute and cuddly animals are always a great way to spend one's time. Maybe, you'll even find one to take home for yourself.
My local BCM is actually doing one called “Beach Reach” over spring break. They are going to the beach and offering free van rides, pancakes and conversations with others in hopes that their love for Christ will show while also bringing Christ into the lives of the people they encounter.
3. Road trip with some friends.
Go anywhere, and everywhere. See the sites of your town, or of neighboring towns. Roll down the windows and play music, and just enjoy life.
4. Volunteer at other places in your community.
I'm sure this one will be a fairly easy one to accomplish. There are always many places with in a community that could use the help of the community.
5. Go back packing with some friends.
Make a day of it! pack a lunch, and go for an adventure.
6. Binge watch some Netflix.
I'm sure there are shows that you all have just been dying to watch. Well, now is your time! Grab your favorite snacks, get comfy, and just watch!
7. Visit with your family.
Your parents, siblings, grandparents and more would love to see you, and catch up with you.
8. Pick up a new hobby.
Oh my, there are so many things to do, anywhere from knitting, to painting, to stamp collecting. There is bound to be something you'll fall in love with!
9. Go camping.
Pack your bags, grab your friends, set up a tent and just enjoy being away from it all.
10. Go to the beach and do mission type work, or just hang with friends.
Soak up the sun, and work on that tan while enjoying time with good company. Oh and hey, a good old game of beach volley ball is always a good way to have a great time.
There are so many things that you can do over spring break that are just as, if not more, exciting than getting drunk. This list is just a small portion of all the alternatives one can do over spring break. I am in no way saying that going to the beach and drinking is a bad thing. Although, I don’t think you should feel the need in order to fit in. I know for me I am going to be hanging out with friends while maybe spending some time seeing the sites in Nashville, visiting my parents and doing some volunteer work as well.
Spring break is one of the biggest “holidays” for college students because it’s a break from school work, stress and everything in-between. Take the time to breathe, read some good books and just enjoy life. Whether you decide to take my advice or not I won’t be offended. I’m simply here to offer you other thrilling options for a great spring break. I just hope that all of you choose to be safe with whatever activities you decide to partake in. Lastly, enjoy the opportunity for a week of freedom from school!