What exactly IS Christian feminism anyway? Well, I'll tell you. By definition, it is "...an aspect of feminist theology which seeks to advance and understand the equality of men and women morally, socially, spiritually, and in leadership from a Christian perspective." So basically, it is feminism with Christian beliefs. Obviously, some beliefs clash such as abortion, divorce, and sexual morality. In those cases, it's one of those cases where you go with what you believe. Like Christianity, Christian feminists have similar, but different beliefs.
For centuries, women have been oppressed because of our patriarchal society. Women were left at home to take care of the children while the men went to work. Taking care of children is no small feat and yet stay-at-home moms are criticized because it's "easy." People claim they want to help us, but then when it comes time to help, we're left in the dust. With the current #MeToo movement, we're shown just how little we value women. Millions of women are sexually assaulted every year, yet less than 6% of offenders will ever face jail time. Have we stooped so low that we care so little we denounce sexual assault/rape survivors? It's very apparent in Dr. Christine Ford's case.
Christian feminists are still Christians. We go to church. We pray. We read our Bible. There's even the point that Christian feminists are more Christian than half "self-proclaimed" Christians. See, as Christian feminists, we tend to treat people how Jesus would have. I've seen many "Christians" use racial/homophobic/transphobic/Islamophobic/etc. slurs and use the infamous "go back to where you came from." There's a really good chance they were born here.
Now, you may be asking, "what about abortion?" Simple: if it's not our body, it's not our say. God sees all sin as equal. People LOVE telling women what to do with their own body, yet I don't see the same thing with men. Women are usually the ones held responsible when they get pregnant, yet the man had just as much involvement. And why are we so worried about single moms? What's the deal? Yeah, they work and take care of their children. Women have been doing it since forever. That does not make them less of a mom.
"What about fornication?" Why is this only asked to women? Men are more likely to have sex before they're married, yet where's the outrage over that? Oh...right.
"But the Bible says that being gay is wrong!" It also says that the woman should be stoned in the case of divorce and that if a woman remarries, it considered invalid because she's not sexually pure and he is committing adultery. The Bible actually tells us that a man should not divorce his wife. Don't cherry-pick the Bible, three-divorce Debbie. You're not going to like what it says. If we REALLY want to get into, the Bible actually tells us to LOVE and WELCOME immigrants. Leviticus 19:33-34, Exodus 22:21, and Exodus 23:9 are just the first three that pop up in regards to immigration.
The Bible also tells us not to gossip. Yep, you read that right. According to 1 Timothy 5:13, "Besides that, they learn to be idlers, going about from house to house, and not only idlers but also gossips and busybodies, saying what they should not." Yet, the modern church is FULL of gossipers.
All in all, there are many things in the Bible that Christians do not follow. Christian feminists just happen to not follow things that are coincidentally condemned by the right. You don't see the left condemning your beliefs, do you, gossiping Gladys?
Let Christian feminists believe what they believe without being a slanderer. God doesn't like that.