It's a shameful thing, sin. It can tear a world apart, a heart to pieces, and a mind to wonder. It can cause guilt, shame and pain. It can leave a person devastated and hopeless.
So, why do we sin? Why do we give into the one thing we know will leave us without light in our lives and fire within our hearts?
Because its easier. Its easier to gossip with friends at a party or judge the girl who eats too much. Its easier to go along with what everyone is doing, rather than standing our amongst the followers.
But, Christ's life was not easy, so as His followers, why should ours be? Many Christians and nonbelievers are under the impression that since we follow Christ, that our lives are magically exactly how they should be -- that we will automatically get all the things in life we desire and everyone will adore us because we have God on our side and Jesus in our heart, when it should be in the opposite.
When we accept Christ into our heart, it should become even more challenging in our daily life, as we have chosen to walk a life our faith and love, a life society does mot emulate. We will face trials and struggles that we must turn to God in prayer about, rather than quickly turning to our best friend to vent about. We should be quick to listen, but slow to speak. We should love our neighbor as our self and put others before our own selfish ways.
I don't know about you, but it seems like all of those biblical scriptures can put a strain on own manly desires, as they should.
But the amazing news is that the same God who moves mountains and created the universe also wants to help you walk through life. He created your life so that His kingdom will be glorified. This is not selfish or boastful of God, but you should be boastful to God, for He decided to give you another day of life!
So, when sin seems like the only option in your walk of life, when the world seems like its falling to pieces, or when you just can't take it anymore, say "Christ in me is stronger than this sin in me." Say it. Say it out loud. Say it in the mirror when you're brushing your teeth or doing your hair. Say it on your drive to work when you just don't want to smile at every customer who walks through your workplace. Say it when you're faced with a choice between loving your neighbor and hurting your friend. Say it in the smallest instances and the largest decisions life throws your way. This might seem trivial, or even embarrassing to announce to yourself, but you're not just saying it alone.
You are declaring that God, the amazing God that created you, is also in your heart and is powerful enough to stop this sin that keeps you from running into His arms and into his unwavering love.