I don't keep up with a lot of award show stuff. I watch the Oscars every couple of years and that's about it. So, I didn't even know Chris Pratt had won the Generation award at the MTV Awards a few nights ago. However, when I saw a clip of his speech at the awards, I was amused and impressed. In the words of a cartoon cucumber (yes, I'm about to quote Veggie Tales, "I laughed. I cried. It moved me, Bob." So here's why Chris Pratt's Nine Rules For Life are actually pretty great.
1. "Breathe"
"Breathe. If you don't, you will suffocate." That's some pretty solid advice. If you're having a bad day, take a step back and breathe. It's all going to be okay. Pray, drink some water or some tea, and then watch an episode of "Parks & Rec" or "The Office" or "Phineas & Ferb." The point is slow down, take it easy, and BREATHE!
2. "You have a soul. Be careful with it."
Take yourself seriously. Take care of yourself. Take care of your soul.
3. "Don't be a turd..."
"Strength and intelligence can be weapons, and do not wield them against the weak. That makes you a bully." Thank you, Mr. Star Lord sir for reminding us all to use our strengths to lift others up and NOT to break them down. It's about time all of us stood up, said enough is enough, and do what we're good at to make a positive impact on the lives around us.
4. "When giving a dog medicine put the medicine in a piece of hamburger then they won't even know they're eating it."
I have a dog and he L O V E S cheese. He was sick a couple of years ago, and giving him medicine was a nightmare. Once we figured out we could wrap his pill in a piece of cheese and it would go down no problem, our lives were eternally changed. So thank you, Andy Dwyer for validating a truth I've known for years.
5. "Doesn't matter what it is - earn it."
This one reminded me of the iconic scene in "Saving Private Ryan," where Tom Hanks looked at Matt Damon and said, "Earn this," referring to everything that had been done to rescue Private Ryan. If something good has been done for you, pass it on. If someone in the McDonald's drive-through pays for your breakfast sandwich, pay for the breakfast of the person behind you. Express your gratitude. Live your gratefulness.
6. "God is real. God loves you. God wants the best for you. Believe that. I do."
Let me just say, that it brings me great peace and joy knowing how deeply I am loved by the creator of universe. He holds everything together when it feels like everything is falling apart. His grace abounds when I fail. He gave His son for me so that I could have life and have it abundantly.
7. "If you have to poop at a party, but you're embarrassed...lock the door, sit down, get all the pee out first, and then once all the pee's done, poop, flush. Boom."
I really have no words for this one, other than I'm gonna have to keep this little tip in my back pocket.
8. "Learn to pray. It's easy, and it's so good for your soul."
There have been many sleepless nights where all I could do was run to my Heavenly Father in prayer. My fear and my worry didn't completely go away instantaneously, but I was filled with the peace that I am never ever alone. So, yes, Peter Quill, praying is very VERY good for your soul.
9. "Nobody is perfect - none of us, not you, you are imperfect and you always will be."
​"There's a powerful force that designed you that way. If you are willing to accept that, you will have grace. Grace is a gift. And like the freedom that we enjoy in this country, that grace was paid for with somebody else's blood. Do not forget it."
Again, there's not much I can add to this because he covered it really well. Grace is beautiful, and it was payed for with the blood of Jesus Christ.
We all already knew that Chris Pratt is pretty great, but this speech just further confirmed it. You go, Burt Maclan, F.B.I.