Why I Chose To Study Media, Something That Forever Changed My Life | The Odyssey Online
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Why I Chose To Study Media, Something That Forever Changed My Life

Always focus on your dreams.

Why I Chose To Study Media, Something That Forever Changed My Life
Yolanda Sun

Since I was young, myself and everyone else was convinced I would grow up to be a veterinarian or a veterinary technician. But here I am, at my school typing this article, waiting for my next communications and new media class to start. I never thought my path would go this way, neither did anyone else I know.

About two years ago I attempted going to school to be a veterinary technician. I enjoyed it until I actually worked in the field, I learned it just was not for me. I enjoyed seeing animals and being with them but the field itself was just not for me. I wanted to do something more. I decided to leave the field and schooling, to search for something else. I started working at my old job again.

I began to feel down and was being too hard on myself. So I began looking into jobs and things I could study. My boyfriend was helpful in choosing a path. I wanted to do something via online, and social media related. I looked into college and found a communications and new media degree. I wasn't sure about it at first, so I began researching the degree, the courses, and the jobs that it could allow me to have when I earn the degree.

I realized that I enjoy doing things with social media, youtube and blogging. These things interest me. I feel like it is a field that is always developing which makes it so it stays interesting and exciting. I get bored with jobs that are the same thing day in and day out.

I have learned with taking these classes that I am more eager to learn and study. Each class keeps me interested and that's what I love about it. When taking my old classes I did not enjoy it at all. I would get bored or have no motivation at all.

Studying media has also helped me feel more motivated with my life, my article writing and just doing things in general. I don't feel down as much and it has helped me realize what I want to do with my life and my career.

Always keep your head held high and focus on what your true dreams are. Follow them, even if people put them down. Listen to those that support you, not put you down.

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