I've been in my fair share of relationships.
Whether they be a year long or just a couple months (heck, even a couple weeks), I've learned something from them.
My last relationship ended almost a year ago, and it has recently dawned on me that I have been single for a year. For 365 days, I have been on my own, doing my own thing.
When I first realized this, I was hurt.I found myself wanting to watch every romantic movie Netflix had to offer, and drink every bottle of wine I could find.
But as I have sat and thought about it more, I have found that there is the main reason that I am single.
I love myself- that is why I'm single.
I have gone on dates, kissed lots of boys, and sure, I might have even thought that maybe I found someone to invest my time in, but something always held me back from completely committing and diving in.
I have such high standards for myself and for the men that want to enter my life that I never want to settle for anything less.
And that is what I hope a lot of women, of all ages, do for themselves. I hope women create standards and then continuously uphold them until they believe they have found the one.
I find myself an unique character, with a spunky personality, a huge heart and a lot to offer the man of my dreams. So why would I ever settle for a man that can barely take time to text me back?
All I know is that I am happy being single because I know that I am doing the best thing for myself. I know that by being single, I can continue to better myself, love myself and give my knight in shining armor loving arms to come to.