I was born and raised in a tiny town in the state of New Hampshire. I grew up with my two older brothers and was always really close with my parents. When it came time decide on a college, it was extremely hard.
After researching and touring countless colleges, I finally felt one that felt like home. The only problem was it was 477 miles away from everyone I knew and loved.
I ended up making the seven and a half hour drive four times before I finally decided to commit. Since my first day on campus I have never questioned my decision but the transition wasn't always easy.
During my first semester, the first week was weird. But I made connections fairly fast and once things got into a flow, I almost forgot the long distance from home.
I wasn't until after returning from my first visit home that I finally broke down a little.
After fall break, all of my classes were getting really intense. It felt like everyone on campus was overwhelmed. The tension was running high.
My friend group felt off, I was beyond stressed about my workload, and all I wanted to do was run home to my mom.
Aiken's Common Room 2017Alysha Fauci
It may sound immature, but let's be real: most first-year college students go home for the weekend every now and then. I remember calling my mom crying (after crying in the common room for countless people to see) telling her that I wanted to go home.
I wanted to hug my niece. Sleep in my bed. Eat a home-cooked meal. I had gotten used to all the things I missed during my break and I was struggling to adjust.
Obviously, she told me no. Eventually, I got back into the flow and everything settled down.
Now here I am about to start my sophomore year. I'm now part of Greek life, my classes are going to be a lot harder, and I know I will be missing home.
Being homesick doesn't mean I regret my college decision. Its okay to miss home sometimes! I've come to terms that a breakdown around midterms is inevitable.
My sophomore year will be a little different than last year because now not only am I a student at a university that feels like home, I also have friends that make me feel at home too.
How I spent my birthday and easter at the Alpha Delta Pi HouseAlysha Fauci
For me, my hardest and most stressful days at college make me more grateful. Grateful for the friends who are genuinely concerned. For my sisters who are always there to listen and cheer me up.
There may be people from home I wish I could bring here (you know who you are), but I'm so beyond happy being at Susquehanna University! Even if it means being 477 miles from home and getting a little homesick every now and then.