One of the most exciting aspects of college is deciding your career path. Of course, with that comes the daunting fear of failure. Here’s a list of some of the emotions I experienced while I was choosing and experimenting with every idea out there until I finally settled on the idea that I’m most comfortable with failing at.
1. The options
So many choices, so little time. Maybe I’ll try business?? I’m not really into that but my dad majored in that and he did well enough. Maybe medical school? I really love
2. Overwhelmed
What was once so exciting is now so stressful. Deadlines are approaching, programs must be entered and you still have absolutely NO idea what you want to do for like…ever. At least with relationships, you get to test drive the car before you buy with school it's like taking out a loan for a Bentley and barely knowing what it is.
3. Way off base
This could be it. Maybe. I think I have finally settled on a taste tester for Red Baron frozen pizza. This could be really good for me. I could really grow and learn from this. Always need people in the food industry, right? The stress has you out of your mind considering crazy options, but they just might work.
4. Questioning everything
Wait, am I the only one? I must be the only one who has no idea, like everyone always says that but they always seem to have some idea at least. Me? I have nothing. Absolutely nothing. I have jewelry beading. I was excellent at that in the fifth grade. My friendship bracelets were hard to beat.
5. Buckling down
I am an adult. I am an adult. Act like an adult. Okay, I have got it. I am going to try English. I have always loved writing and grandma says I am really good at it. There must be some truth to all of her compliments. God, I hope so. I declare English. Now what to do with it…