It's one of the biggest decisions you'll make about starting your freshman year of college (or so you think): choosing your freshman year roommate. The person you'll spend the first and second semester of the greatest four years of your life with. The person who will watch you stumble in after a night out, or watch you sprint to your early morning class because you were *that freshman* that chose to take a class that started before 10 a.m.
Well time for a reality check.
Yes, who you choose as your freshman roommate is a big deal, but often times people choose a roommate without really considering what "roommate" entails. For girls especially, we tend to choose roommates based on mutual friends or whether we think we will be friends with someone. While this is a totally valid approach, the approach that is often times better is choosing a roommate based on living habits. No one wants to be "that person" their senior year of high school who doesn't have the ~cool~ roommate that already knows half of your high school from camp or teen tours or other mutual friends, but choosing someone who has the same living habits as you IS more important than choosing a roommate who will be your best friend.
College is full of so many opportunities to meet new people - especially as a freshman. Every day you walk by dozens of people you've never met before or whose name you don't know. It's super easy to meet new people, and odds are, your closest friend won't be the person who's best friend is camp friends with your second cousin's boyfriend's sister.
So seniors waiting to make that *very* important choice of who you will live with, think a little harder about your living habits before deciding to room with someone - odds are you'll be happier living with the person who shares those habits (at least for freshman year) than the person who you think will be your new BFF.