The Battle Of The Tans: Spray Tan Or Self-Tan? | The Odyssey Online
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The Battle Of The Tans: Spray Tan Or Self-Tan?

Choosing the right products to keep up a glowing appearance for the best cost.

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Photo Credit: Francoise Corser

With a lack of the summer sun and beaches in Tallahassee, many girls revert to buying a self-tanner or paying to get a spray tan. Although both techniques can achieve great results, there are many differences in price, formula, and shades that can yield different looks and lasting effects. For those who enjoy artificial tanning while keeping college costs low, it is important to consider all factors when choosing to either self-tan or go get a spray tan.

When it comes to effort, spray tans are the easiest procedure that you don't have to worry about because a machine or person does it for you without hassles or messes. Although spray tans are an effortless option, those who would rather self-tan in the comfort of their own living space, have a wide variety of self-tanning brands and methods to achieve the tan of their choice. Different methods of self-tanners include; towelettes, lotions, and mouses.

Spray tan booth.

There are many highly rated tanning salons near FSU such as, South Beach Tanning Company, Zoom Tan and Myst Me Spray Tanning that offer spray tans ranging from $20 to $40 or memberships with unlimited spray tan sessions. Getting a spray tan in a booth is an easy procedure that requires certain stances in order to get misted correctly, but it does not give you the control to evenly spread color in certain areas of your choosing. This method, although easy, can be frustrating for those who are particular about the specific shade and coverage of their tan.

Custom spray tan.

Some spray tan salons also offer custom spray tans upon request where a professional uses a tan misting machine to lay on a perfect tan with the inclusion of contour. Although detailed, this procedure might be uncomfortable for many because the professional spraying you are complete strangers. Although pricier than tanning booths, the results of having a custom tan produce the best color match, contouring of your choice and an even spread of color on your whole body.

Tanning towelettes.

Tanning towelettes help tanners stray from the mess of liquids but do not provide an instant or long-lasting tan because it takes four hours to develop on the skin. Tanning towelettes can be purchased at drug stores or Ulta Beauty for $11.99. For those who hate the messiness of liquids or heavy products, the towelettes make tanning an easy and affordable way to achieve a natural looking tan.

Tanning lotion.

Tanning lotions are a moisturizing method to consistently keep skin glowing with a sunkissed tan. These lotions to do not have a wide variety of shades because they moisturize while they pigment the skin. Many brands offer self-tanning lotions for low costs, such as Jergens Natural Glow, that can be found at drugstores or Ulta Beauty for $9.99. This method of tanning requires a constant application of the product, therefore, it will be used up quicker than more pigmented methods. For those who want a moisturized product that provides a sun-kissed appearance without too much color, tanning lotions are a simple way to achieve that look.

Tanning mousse.

Tanning mouses provide a pigmented tan that can be comparable to spray tans and last a week long. There are a variety of tanning mousses which range from $12.99 to $59.95 that can be found at Ulta Beauty or other beauty stores. Tanning mousses require two to seven hours to set after an application, depending on the desired shade and come in a wide variety of specific undertones for individuals. For those who do not want to get spray tans but want to have the professional looking pigments and outcome, tanning mousses are the best way to achieve the specific shade of your tan right at home.

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