Deciding what to do for the rest of your life can seem like a very scary task with all the options you have. With that in mind there are a few do's and don't you should follow to get the most out of your college experience.
1. Choose something you are passionate about (You don't want to spend half of your life in a career you are not completely passionate about)
2. Find a career that allows you to be where you want to be (Do you want to go to a certain city? A country? Deciding where you want to be and then working back can narrow some of your options.)
3. Know your strengths and weaknesses and how they would play into the work. (Are you good at math and science? Love staying organized? These are play a role in the type of work and relations you will acquire post graduation.)
1. Choose a career based on the money you will get paid. (Doctors and lawyers get paid well for the work they do, but will that satisfy you.)
2. What your parents want you to do doesn't have to be the deciding factor (Just because you are expected to run the family business doesn't mean that you are required to.)
3. Such as with point 1, don't choose a field just because you can't afford what you really want to do. (If it is something you are passionate about it is worth the extra few years to get the higher education and the price tag. There are always scholarships ad grants you can receive to offset the costs.)