Love is a choice. It is always a choice.
Think of love as an investment. You may not be able to choose who you love or how you love, but you choose to put yourself in a position where you may become vulnerable. You choose to love with deliberate commitment. You choose to love with consistent effort. You choose to love that person for all that they are — the good and the bad — and they choose to love you for all that you are in return. These are all decisions you have to make; these are not given principles. Love does not provide a "how to" handbook. Love simply happens, but there must be cooperation.
Love takes serious discipline.
No matter how passionate a romance begins or how compatible two lovers may be, it is inevitable for love to fade over time. You will find that love will consistently throw bumps in the road to test your capacity to continue loving. It’s important to understand that you can’t change that. What you can change is your willingness to continue loving that person.
You have to be ready to wake up everyday for the rest of your life and consistently make the decision to continue loving that person, no matter what roadblocks may appear in your way. You must be willing to make compromises every day to make love work. No relationship is perfect. You choose how long “forever” lasts.
I have seen lovers choose love over distance. I have seen lovers choose love and move past mistakes. I have seen lovers choose love over and over and over again.
Never stop fighting.
Choose love.